2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


pricing technology, pricing guns baling machines Mining equipment Machine Tools Wine Machine coverings, -tools, -machinery Modernization and Repair of CNC machines CNC machine tools polishing materials, tools and and machinery Packers packing machines small electronic machinery Food machine food industry machinery Food processing equipment manufacturing forklifts construction machinery construction engineering turnery ice cream machines timber industry machinery milking machines and apparatus photocopiers, copiers earth moving equipment machinery parts, spares machinery machinery manufacture mechanical devices, tools mechanical embroidery engineering industry, mechanical engineering motor vehicle maintenance motor vehicle constructions motor vehicle authentication motor vehicle hire vehicles car sales and distribution Car rental car and commercial vehicle washes machinery hire industrial cloths Pharmaceutical Machinery typing and shorthand white goods, white goods servicing Welding machines meat industry machinery fridges office appliances typewriters Gaming Slot machines gardening tools, appliances small machinery Kitchen machine knitting machines earth-moving equipment Scales, cash registers Gyöngyös Agricultural machinery Agricultural machine parts Agricultural machinery agricultual machinery, spares, appliances dishwashers and washing machines launderettes, industrial washing machines Plastics, plastics machinery work machinery Slot Machines Printing printing apparatus paper machines tills x-ray, x-ray machines baking- and confectionery machinery, appliances Tensile strength computer networkks personal computers, accessories, computing products calculators Machine tools Machine tool trade tool manufacturing machinery cleaning appliances, machinery tampon manufacture cleaning appliances, machinery electronic dictionary staplers Swimming pool engineering sewing machines and fittings Sewing machine needles irons, presses chemical industry apparatus catering appliances electrical goods, appliances water industry appliances Cash bar code systems to petrol stations Cash registers with bar code plant machinery and fittings TIG machines Welding repair Food processors Cultivators plant Telescopic loaders Used Loaders Camera batteries Analog cameras Digital cameras Mechanical straps Confectioning cable machinery car purchase motor vehicle sales motor vehicle fleet replacement car car purchase car finance car insurance Car Manager Rent a car Hungary Rent a Car Abroad Online car rental Minolta copiers car parts Cardiax computer connected to ECG Cardiax computerized ECG AWI welding machines MIG-MAG welding machines safety review of welding machines repair welding machines shop welding machines used welding machines refurbished welding machines shielded ívhegesztőgép Computer Diagnostics Vehicle Diagnostics Machine feet used in large machines new large machines Computer garden design Computer roof design Computer Design Stage Dishwasher Electrical machinery Battery Machines Petrol Machinery Used construction equipment Plumbing fittings Building regulations Loader assembly Agricultural machinery for rubber parts Design packaging lines Computer Control machinery valuations Mechanized vehicle parking kapszulázó Machine printed circuit mounting, with manual and automated welding Mechanical Engineering szimering Packaging servicing Packaging machinery and equipment Bosch appliances Computer word processing Laser engraving machine Laser cutting machine Mechanized harvesting HVAC systems design, construction Car decoration Excavator fittings Machine Control Lasers Vehicle procurement Damaged vehicles and cargo storage Easy room operator training It is difficult room operator training Management training tool Technical test car Truck Glass Glazing Machine Box plant closures Laminator Lifting machinery rollers fork dishwasher baskets electric kitchen machines milkshake machines blender building design Industrial soda machine placement coffee service coffee service Automobile brake Catering equipment Used catering equipment Cheese machine file Machine Construction machinery Construction machinery leasing Machine rental motor test building inspections Computer data acquisition, monitoring systems and Power Saving vehicle dismantler Engineering professions textbooks Dishwashers filling Vehicle security solutions Fleet monitoring Fleet tracking RAMPICAR multifunction machines Machine model Airplane model rubber powered model airplane rubber powered model airplane Mechanized parking Cleaning machines Vehicle superstructures Electronic office machines Backhoe machine rental Excavator rental Machine Translation Car translator disk Standard vehicle disc translator Computerized engine diagnostics Cordless hand tools Petrol hand tools Electric hand tools Air hand tools Slotting TATRA trucks to improve KAMAZ trucks to improve Truck service Truck service Debrecen Machine construction and propulsion elements CNC machine tool repair CNC machine tool maintenance CNC machine tool refurbishment Computer configurations Computer installation Computer Repair Computer Maintenance Repair of CNC machines Repair of machine tools Repair of CNC machine tools Potatoes abrasive machines Universal kitchen Coffee Makers Filtered Suzuki Swift cars Filtered Swift Sedan car Bag closing machines Beaters machines Used packaging Refurbished packaging Electric garden equipment repair Electric garden equipment warranty repair Garden machinery repair warranty Garden Machinery Workshop Electric garden equipment service center SAM 4s cash Optima cash CommaTech cash Installation of earth-moving tires Debrecen vehicles removed Plastic machinery cooling Computer mucus production Crusher Grading Camera Camera Battery Used camera parts Motor vehicle conversion Machine Arc welding machines Spot welding machines Cutting machines Removed from vehicles Budapest Sweeper Oven Industrial sewing machine needles Mixer Machine Stair Machine Manual and pneumatic presses ERGUS welding ESAB welding FRONIUS welding GYS welding Wholesale Home Appliances Professional-electric hand tools Garden tools Flex Machines Polishers Sanders Brush Machines Drilling machines Blade Circle kivágógép Woodworking machines to improve Woodworking Machinery Trade Woodworking machines for sale Used woodworking machinery Woodworking machinery repair service Gubisch milling Planer Planer Oscillating Drill Woodworking Machinery Renewal Gepida cycling Special Gepida bicycles Gepida interest free bike loan Vehicle HVAC Trade Computer Tape Construction machines Excavators and Adapters Minikotró machines Backup Machine Road repair machine Used machines Vacuum repair Repair of hydraulic and pneomatikus Agricultural Training fixer Construction machinery leasing and rental Typing, word processing training Motor vehicle inspection and certification Canon SLR Camera Light machinery and heavy machine course Typists and word processing training Computer technician, maintenance training Talking dictionary Desktop calculator Pocket calculator VW car rental VW car rental companies EDM machines EDM machine sale Development of EDM machines EDM machines guarantee EDM machines Electric and gasoline garden equipment repair Hitachi Electric Machines Hitachi cordless machines Hitachi gasoline machines Magnetic Drill Safe operation of lifting Lifting the technical adequacy of the classification Lifting operation Heavy handling Machine raise Self-loading vehicle Articulated vehicle Front loader Backhoe-loader Mini Excavator Machine Kobelco crawler excavators TEREX-TERMEC backhoe loaders Rental of copiers New lease of copiers Laminating Used coffee machine Work platform operator training course Power house mechanic Earth-moving machine operator Of gas turbine machinist Steam turbine mechanical Boiler machine no Management Appliances Certificate Light Manager Opencast operator Machine Control Vehicle entry HVAC Wholesaler Sprayers Petrol Saws Rotary hoeing Machine Tester Estrich gettelő machines and pumps Platform administration Repair industry and construction Corner drill Drill-down crown Optical leveling machine Mechanical drilling Weka drill Appliances Centre Reach Computer Festool Machines Festool machines sales Magnetic drill sales Placement machine Sewing Machine Trading Fiskars scissors Sewing Machine Service Industrial and domestic sewing machines Industrial Sewing Machine Garment Block machine Block machine -Coat machinery Szabo Construction Shoe Machine darner Szőnyegszegő machine Leather dressing Button sewing machine Button punching machine Embroidery machine Mouth sewn bag Sewing Machine Stand Stitch Guide Foot Cipzárvarró base Romitex Sewing machine rental Rental iron Sartorial equipment rental Used Sewing Machine Quilting Romitex Sewing Machine Computer rooms air-conditioning Automatic weighing packaging Shrink Wrapping Machines Manufacture of individual packaging Play-slot table Earth-moving trade 3t over mining Road- Compact Construction machinery trade Construction bérgépek MECALAC Machines Lifting and handling equipment Packaging Budapest Ice machine Öntőgépszervíz Ltd. Die casting machine Presses, repairing and renewing Advanced machine design IDRA casting Machine design, manufacturing Vehicle testing up to 3.5 tonnes New and used laundry machines Machinery insurance Fleet insurance Viacolorozás, outdoor enclosures, parking lot construction Refrigerators, freezers repair Swimming pool engineering Household goods Domestic appliance service in Miskolc Refurbished Appliances Washing machine repair Lawn mower parts Lenovo Computers Shredding Machine Meta vehicle security systems Construction, lifting and handling equipment Building lifting and handling equipment Copier Controller Vehicle Tracking Vehicle Monitoring Station Testing Machine Truck parts Machine stretch film Hand-strap machine Automotive Services Capsule Filling Machine Seed drill Poland sprayer

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Address: 1139 Budapest, Rozsnyai u. 11.
Telephone: +36 (1) 359-5420
Fax: +36 (1) 359-5422
Homepage: www.romitex.hu
Homepage: www.varrogep.hu

, -Coat machinery, Beauty, Block machine, Button punching machine, Button sewing machine, Cipzárvarró base, Embroidery machine, Fiskars scissors, Garment, Industrial and domestic sewing machines, Industrial Sewing Machine, Industrial sewing machine needles, irons, presses, Leather dressing, Mouth sewn bag, Quilting, Rental iron, Romitex, Romitex Sewing Machine, Sartorial equipment rental, saunas, Sewing machine needles, Sewing machine rental, Sewing Machine Service, Sewing Machine Stand, Sewing Machine Trading, sewing machines and fittings, Shoe Machine darner, Stitch Guide Foot, Szabo Construction, Szőnyegszegő machine, Used Sewing Machine
GPS: 47.5321758 / 19.0736657

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