2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


Essilor Contact lens Contact lens care Contact lens fluid Contact lens fitting Optician opticians Brand Reading glasses Optics optics, optical goods OPTICS Ophthalmology Optometrist medical examination opthamologists Glasses Glasses Repair Glasses frame Glasses on Goggles Spectacle Glasses on Glasses chains Glasses lens Lens manufacture Spectacle cases Zeiss Glasses frames Glasses Repair Action spectacle Ophthalmic department's office Optical Specialist Optician shop Contact lens specialist Production of special lenses Glasses on short notice Optometrist screening Designer frames Pierre Cardin eyeglasses Dior eyeglasses MaxMara glasses Oakley eyewear Gucci eyeglasses Ray Ban eyeglasses Prada eyeglasses Bvlgari eyeglasses Versace eyeglasses Dolce & Gabbana eyeglasses Silhouette Eyewear Adidas Eyewear Police glasses Minolta official service Optics Optical lenses Light darkening glasses lens Transitions EBM VANNI Julian Beauman Jaguar Boss Celine Dion Vogue Cébé Cooper Vision Bausch & Lomb Sauflon Contact lens ophthalmic testing Glasses credit Glasses Ophthalmology Brand building Peugeot Workshop Peugeot Monor Trucks Prescription glasses Ophthalmic examination Blaupunkt brand representation Volvo Service Garden Machinery Workshop Electric garden equipment service center ESSILOR lens Antistess ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens COOPER VISION contact lenses Disposable contact lenses Discount Contact Lenses Distribution of lens Lens Distribution Karvázy Botondné Karvázy Optics Children's Ophthalmology Eye exams for children Children ophthalmologist Ophthalmic screening nursery Seat dealership Seat brand service Slim Lens Reading disorder screening Work safety goggles Glasses in 1 hour Lightweight lenses Tobias Optics Official Koyo dealer Official Koyo dealer KONICA MINOLTA official Brand KONICA MINOLTA official dealer SHARP Dealership Unique designer clothes Optical frames Optical glasses on, repair Making prescription sunglasses Computer generated ophthalmic testing Healthcare Services Monitor pre-production work for glasses Free eyesight examination Screw replacement Setup framework Ultrasonic cleaning UV filtering sunglasses lens control ACER Dealership Vogue Emporio Armani Furl Polaroid sunglasses Contact lenses test MTZ dealer Belarus dealership John Deere dealership


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Address: 1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 25.
Telephone: +36 (1) 267-3301
Telephone: +36 (1) 269-9427
Fax: +36 (1) 484-0693
Fax: +36 (1) 268-1875
Homepage: www.novakoptika.hu

, Action spectacle, Contact lens care, Contact lens fluid, Designer frames, Glasses chains, Glasses frames, Glasses on, Glasses Repair, multifunctional glasses, optics, optical goods, Police glasses, Spectacle cases, Vision test
GPS: 47.4953642 / 19.0656057

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Address: 1165 Budapest, Veres Péter út 110.
Telephone: +36 (1) 403-0702
Fax: +36 (1) 403-0702
Homepage: www.gerooptika.hu

, Adidas Eyewear, Bvlgari eyeglasses, Contact lens, Contact lens care, Contact lens fitting, Contact lens fluid, Contact lens ophthalmic testing, Contact lens specialist, COOPER VISION contact lenses, Designer frames, Dioptric Goggles, dioptric lens, Dior eyeglasses, Discount Contact Lenses, Disposable contact lenses, Distribution of lens, Dolce & Gabbana eyeglasses, ESSILOR lens Antistess, ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens, Glasses, Glasses chains, Glasses frame, Glasses lens, Glasses on, Glasses on short notice, Glasses Repair, Goggles, Gucci eyeglasses, Lens Distribution, Lens manufacture, Light darkening glasses lens, MaxMara glasses, multifunctional glasses, Oakley eyewear, Optical Specialist, Optician, OPTICS, optics, optical goods, Pierre Cardin eyeglasses, Police glasses, Prada eyeglasses, Ray Ban eyeglasses, Silhouette Eyewear, Spectacle cases, Zeiss
GPS: 47.5116155 / 19.192695
Leírás: 33 éve állunk a 16. kerületi lakosság rendelkezésére. Folyamatosan bővülő keret kínálatunkkal, valamint a legkorszerűbb technikai felszereltségű szemvizsgáló berendezésünkkel igyekszünk a vevői igényeknek eleget tenni. Térkép

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TÓBIÁS OPTIKA - Felnőtt-Gyermek Szaküzlet
Address: 1027 Budapest, Bem rkp. 53.
Telephone: +36 (1) 315-6115
Fax: +36 (1) 315-6115
Mobile: +36 (70) 332-6999
Homepage: www.tobias.hu

, Children ophthalmologist, Children's Ophthalmology, Contact lens, Contact lens care, Contact lens fitting, Contact lens fluid, Contact lens ophthalmic testing, Contact lens specialist, Designer frames, Discount Contact Lenses, Disposable contact lenses, Distribution of lens, ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens, Eye test, Glasses, Glasses lens, Lens Distribution, Lens manufacture, Light darkening glasses lens, Lightweight lenses, Ophthalmic examination, Ophthalmic nursing, Ophthalmic screening at the workplace, Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmology, Optical Network, Optical Specialist, opticians, Optics, optics, optical goods, Slim Lens, Tobias Optics, Vision test, Wipe
GPS: 47.5133127 / 19.0393392
Leírás: Nyitvatartás: hétfő, péntek: 10:00-18:00 kedd-csütörtök: 10:00-19:00 Üzletünk 1956 óta, 53 éve a látásgondozás szolgálatában. Klasszikus, tradicionális szaküzlet, magas szakmai színvonal, személyre szóló egyedi ajánlatok, kiemelt színvonalú gyermekellátás. Öt évtizede visszatérő, elégedett szemüvegvásárlók! Várjuk Önt is, Ön is legyen elégedett szolgáltatásainkkal!

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Address: 1012 Budapest, Várfok u. 15/B
Telephone: +36 (1) 375-4089
Telephone: +36 (1) 213-8589

, Child dyslexia screening, Designer frames, Dioptric Goggles, dioptric lens, Glasses, Glasses chains, Glasses frames, Glasses on, Goggles, Googles, Light darkening glasses lens, multifunctional glasses, Optical lenses, Optical Specialist, Optician, opticians, OPTICS, Spectacle, Spectacle cases
GPS: 47.5060412 / 19.0252822

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Királyhágó Optika
Address: 1126 Budapest, Királyhágó u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (1) 356-6790
Fax: +36 (1) 356-6790
Homepage: www.optika.bf.hu

, Action spectacle, Contact lens, Contact lens fitting, Designer frames, Eye test, Glasses chains, Glasses frame, Glasses frames, Glasses lens, Glasses on, Glasses on short notice, Goggles, Lens manufacture, optics, optical goods, Reading glasses, Spectacle, Spectacle cases
GPS: 47.4955306 / 19.0233315

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Annex Optika
Address: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt, 44.
Telephone: +36 (1) 352-2710
Homepage: www.annexoptika.hu

, Action spectacle, bifocal glasses, Contact lens, Contact lens care, Contact lens fitting, Contact lens fluid, Contact lens specialist, Designer frames, Glasses, Glasses chains, Glasses frame, Glasses frames, Glasses lens, Glasses on, Glasses on short notice, Glasses Repair, Goggles, multifunctional glasses, Ophthalmology, optics, optical goods, Spectacle, Spectacle cases
GPS: 47.5019091 / 19.0671125

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TÓBIÁS OPTIKA - Optikai- és Szemészeti Központ
Address: 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (1) 411-0525
Mobile: +36 (70) 333-0935
Homepage: www.tobias.hu

, Children ophthalmologist, Children's Ophthalmology, Contact lens, Contact lens care, Contact lens fitting, Contact lens fluid, Contact lens ophthalmic testing, Contact lens specialist, COOPER VISION contact lenses, Designer frames, Discount Contact Lenses, Disposable contact lenses, Distribution of lens, ESSILOR lens Antistess, ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens, Glasses, Glasses chains, Glasses frame, Glasses frames, Glasses in 1 hour, Glasses lens, Glasses on, Glasses on short notice, Glasses Repair, Lens Distribution, Lens manufacture, Light darkening glasses lens, Lightweight lenses, multifunctional glasses, opthamologists, Optical Network, Optical Specialist, Optician, Optician shop, opticians, Optics, optics, optical goods, Optometrist medical examination, Optometrist screening, Tobias Optics, Vision test, Work safety goggles
GPS: 47.4896529 / 19.062381
Leírás: Nyitvatartás: hétfő-péntek: 10:00-19:00 A város lüktető központjában, teljeskörű szemészeti-optikai kínálat, klínikai specialistákkal. Többfunkciós optikai lencsék, kontaktlencse illesztés profi szakértővel. Egyedi engedmények! Diákkedvezmények lencsékre, ápolószerre! Expressz szolgáltatások, azonnali segítségek! # orvosi szemvizsgálat, # kontaktológia, # expressz szemüveg készítés, # szemüveg javítás (titán keretek is)

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Tóbiás Optika - Rózsakert Bevásárlóközpont
Address: 1026 Budapest, Gábor Áron u. 74-78.
Telephone: +36 (1) 391-5867
Fax: +36 (1) 391-5867
Mobile: +36 (70) 332-7999
Homepage: www.tobias.hu

, Children ophthalmologist, Children's Ophthalmology, Contact lens, Contact lens care, Contact lens fitting, Contact lens fluid, Contact lens ophthalmic testing, Contact lens specialist, COOPER VISION contact lenses, Designer frames, Discount Contact Lenses, Disposable contact lenses, Distribution of lens, ESSILOR lens Antistess, ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens, Eye exams for children, Eye test, Glasses, Glasses chains, Glasses frame, Glasses frames, Glasses in 1 hour, Glasses lens, Glasses on, Glasses on short notice, Glasses Repair, Lens Distribution, Lens manufacture, Light darkening glasses lens, Lightweight lenses, multifunctional glasses, Optical Network, Optical Specialist, Optics, optics, optical goods, Tobias Optics, Vision test, Work safety goggles
GPS: 47.5224436 / 19.0149061
Leírás: Nyitva tartás: hétfő-péntek: 10:00-20:00 szombat: 10:00-19:00 Káprázatos kínálat divatházak és világmárkák árukészleteiből. Keresse, próbálja, vásárolja ár-értékarányos prémium termékeinket! Kontaktlencse viselők oázisa, magas szemészeti-, optometriai szakmai színvonal! A legmodernebb termékek kínálata, igényes érdeklődőknek.

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