2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


archiving, archiving systems log-in systems CAD-CAM systems building observation systems wood protection Foam information systems Gate systems exhausts, -systems shelves, shelving units Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Systems Fire Alarm fire alarms fire safety Fire Protection Fire-fighting equipment Fire-fighting tool Fire-fighting equipment Interface fire protection investigation Fire Protection Publication Fire protection systems Fire Protection Regulations Fire Protection Exam Fire protection specialist examination Fire protection inspection Fire protection board Security systems Cash bar code systems to petrol stations Short-circuit systems Locks Closed-circuit monitoring systems irrigation systems appliances Heating system design Fire alarm device announcer Maintenance of fire alarm equipment Fire doors Steel doors, fire-fighting Gate systems Racking Regular audits maghajtórendszerek garázskapukhoz propulsion redőnyökhöz propulsion napellenzőkhöz propulsion parkolósorompóhoz Leaking systems Weather Systems drainage systems profiles, thermal insulation plaster systems Medical systems, cash document management systems Workflow Systems IT Industry polishing systems Remote control systems Robotic systems design Cutting 3D Systems APRIMATIC automatic opening and closing systems HVAC systems design, construction Trench strut systems building management systems Floating shelf systems Fire-fighting advice Interior routing Access control systems for Access control systems design Access control systems servicing Video Systems Video systems for Video systems servicing Philips monitoring systems control systems for lifts transmission planning transmission manufacturing Transportation Systems Planning transportation systems planning Rocking floor systems GNSS, GPS systems HDS Systems drainage folyókarendszerek management systems Computer data acquisition, monitoring systems and Power Saving Boiler system design Gutter Systems Sealing Liquid Soap Systems Database management systems design Video surveillance systems Cargo security systems Complex security systems Orbit hydraulic systems Main key systems Kingpin key systems Cleaners HACCP systems Oil, gas heating systems Common Rail Diesel Systems Fire protection glazing Radiation protection glazing Quality heating systems Formwork systems Wall Zsalurendszerek Ceiling damper systems Climbing damper systems Constituents Security systems guide Fire Protection Catalog RFID systems in operation RFID systems are implemented RFID systems Development of automatic identification systems DPM reader systems design DPM reader installation DPM reader systems Maintenance DPM code generation systems development DPM code generation systems installed Wiring Systems Structured cabling systems for Weak design of complex information systems Weak implementation of complex IT systems Low voltage operation of complex IT systems Weak maintenance of complex IT systems Video systems design and installation Video system design and installation Invested in the ground tanks and piping systems for corrosion protection Restrictive power systems Power control systems Analysis and analysis systems Measurement and data acquisition systems Switching and control Cabin systems Air conditioning Moving of IT systems Feed systems Defensor wireless signaling Wireless signaling Intrusion detection systems Video surveillance and recording systems SOFT CLOSE door retraction systems Infinity Shelving Computer systems design and development Tube mail systems CIT Systems Wall panels PARADOL Wall systems Rainfall operating systems Shelves for separating and dispensing systems Roller feed systems Audio-visual systems design, construction Intercom systems manufacturing Voice mail systems Heating systems Network quality control systems Extinguishing systems Image evaluation and recording systems Cargo theft detection systems Building and room sound systems Terrestrial and satellite TV reception and distribution systems, radio programs Load-bearing systems Facade insulation systems Alternative construction systems MOVO rolling ladder racking Rigid-hose systems Flat-hose systems Nozzles Dry line and power supply cabinets Fire Safety Hydrant boxes and fittings Fire extinguishers Clips, clip, keys Underground hydrant Underground trains Wall hole Fire Protection Fire extinguisher holder Pictograms UV stickers UV Signs Fire alarm and escape plan WPA Retaining wall systems Turbo Systems Swimming pool entrance Flex pipe Wood and coating systems Heat pump systems Orchard cordon fences and building systems Solar heating systems Solar Hanger systems Adhesive dispensing systems Paint system Design of fire protection equipment Firefighting equipment Sprinkler systems Water mist extinguishing systems Sprinkler systems Gamma irradiation systems Asphalt systems FRUTIGER wheel baths Systems Shop work and fire safety Fire safety signs Health and safety signs Cape Apron Working garments Fain cool building systems Systems, roof tops and plates Gas and smoke detector After lighting and table Periodic review of fire fighting equipment and maintenance Install hydrants Maintenance of fire-water pools Filing systems Parking systems CCTV systems Intercom Systems Join roof systems Digital door entry systems Video Camera Security Systems Insulating base systems Rock wool insulation systems Quality Management Systems Certification Camera Systems Security Gate Systems Security Camera Systems Configurable control systems security Programmable safety and control systems Digital door entry systems Fire detection and extinguishing systems Goods protection and access control systems Fire and security systems Closed-circuit television systems Fire Alarm Cables Wireless remote monitoring and alarm Card Systems Parking Technical Systems License plate reader systems Local occupancy detection systems LED Display Systems Emergency Systems


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FELAXY 2000 KFT. Biztonságtechnika-Miskolc
Address: 3530 Miskolc, Lenke u. 18.
Telephone: +36 (46) 502-400
Fax: +36 (46) 502-409
Homepage: www.felaxy.hu

, air conditioning technology, financial protection, Fire Alarm Systems, fire safety, gate technology, security technology, softwares, Video Systems
GPS: 48.1003438 / 20.8003896
Leírás: Riasztó, tűzjelző rendszerek tervezése, kivitelezése és távfelügyelete.
Videó, beléptetőrendszerek tervezése,kivitelezése. Részletfizetési lehetőség.

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Address: 4031 Debrecen, István út 26.
Telephone: +36 (52) 522-444
Fax: +36 (52) 522-449
Homepage: www.biharico.hu

, Amplification, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm Systems, informatics, information technology, innovation, lighning arresting, Optical Network, security technology, Standardization review, telecommunication, touchproofing, wiring up of electrical installations
GPS: 47.5264486 / 21.607714
Leírás: 1990-ben telefon alközpontok, főnök-titkári rendszerek, vezetékes és vezeték nélküli hálózatok kiépítésével indultunk egyéni vállalkozásként. 1997 óta majd húsz főt foglalkoztató Kft.-ként működünk. Az 1990-ben nyitott telefon szaküzletünk, mely főként a lakossági szektornak nyújt szolgáltatásokat, ma leginkább készülékek szervizelésével foglalkozik. Szolgáltatásaink skáláját a kor és a megrendelők igényeinek megfelelően, folyamatosan bővítjük.
2002-ig a Matáv égisze alatt dolgoztunk, távközlő hálózatok, alépítményes, kábeles és légvezetékes munkák komplex kivitelezését végeztük fő- és alvállalkozásban. 1994-ben tevékenységi körünk az informatikával bővült. Informatikai hálózatok kiépítése után, szolgáltatási palettánkra az úgynevezett gyengeáramú rendszerek kivitelezése is felkerült.
Eleinte partner vállalkozások közreműködésével, ma már magunk végezzük a komplett tevékenységet, a biztonságtechnikai berendezések, tűzjelző-, videó megfigyelő-, riasztó-, beléptető rendszerek, hangosítás, konferencia rendszerek teljes körű kiépítését, kivitelezését.
Felismerve, hogy az intelligens otthon nem egy utópisztikus jövőkép, hanem a már létező technológiák alkalmazása mindennapi életünk megkönnyítésére, 2006 óta intelligens házak rendszerének kivitelezésével is foglalkozunk.
Annak érdekében, hogy mind partnereink, mind megrendelőink az építőipari vállalkozók, a lakosság igényeinek minél jobban megfeleljünk, 2001-ben ISO 9001-2000 minőségbiztosítási, minőségirányítási tanúsítványt szereztünk.
Az egyedi fejlesztéseket mindig a megrendelők igényei határozzák meg. Egyik büszkeségünk, egy idősgondozó rendszer megvalósítása és működtetése. Tevékenységünk főként Kelet- Magyarországra korlátozódik, de több, kiemelkedőnek számító munkát végeztünk az ország más részeiben is.
Cégünk egyik alapító tagja a Core Klaszternek, mely 2007 októberében alakult tíz, az ország különböző pontjain működő, elsősorban vállalati távközléssel és informatikával foglalkozó cég részvételével.

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Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Berzsenyi Dániel u. 13.

, , Access control systems design, Access control systems for, Access control systems servicing, Fire Alarm Systems, log-in systems, Payroll
GPS: 46.8440944 / 16.8532874

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Address: 1033 Budapest, Harrer u.3-5.
Telephone: +36 (1) 439-2540
Fax: +36 (1) 439-2541
Homepage: www.g4s.hu

, Data protection equipment, Extinguishing systems, financial protection, Fine Art Shipping, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire detection and extinguishing systems, fire safety, Goods protection and access control systems, Intrusion detection video surveillance, Lift remote control, maintenance, Privacy planning, preparation,, security technology, Vehicle Monitoring Station, work protection
GPS: 47.5423599 / 19.0447812

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Address: 1082 Budapest, Futó utca 13.
Telephone: +36 (1) 210-1787
Fax: +36 (1) 323-1991
Mobile: +36 (20) 954-1874
Homepage: www.gaussmm.hu

, , bodyguards, Burglar Alarm, CCCTV monitoring and intercom, Defense concept, financial protection, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm Systems, Passive house design, Sprinkler systems
GPS: 47.4883388 / 19.0745653
Leírás: Behatolás, tűz, beléptető, CCTV, adat- és jelátvitel, evakuációs és hangosító rendszerek.

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Address: 1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 33/C
Telephone: +36 (1) 322-2425
Fax: +36 (1) 322-2425
Mobile: +36 (30) 941-1862
Homepage: www.gauss-t.hu

, Add Entry Phones, Building and room sound systems, Cargo theft detection systems, Closed circuit television monitoring, door entry systems, Extinguishing systems, financial protection, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm Systems, Gate Phone, Identifying the goods, Image evaluation and recording systems, Payroll program, Presence indicator, security technology, Terrestrial and satellite TV reception and distribution systems, radio programs, Vaccination control, Vehicle entry
GPS: 47.4812614 / 19.0267244

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Address: 1184 Budapest, Bajza u. 4.
Telephone: +36 (1) 294-1300
Fax: +36 (1) 291-9600
Mobile: +36 (30) 951-8109
Homepage: www.fehersec.hu

, bodyguards, Diary Service, emblems, insignia, Event Insurance, financial protection, Fire Alarm Systems, Maintenance of fire alarm equipment, medals, brooches, Reception, Security service working, security services
GPS: 47.458727 / 19.2422821

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- vezeték nélküli és távfelügyeleti tűz és behatolásjelző rendszerek
Address: 1131 Budapest, Rokolya u. 1-13.

, Defensor wireless signaling, financial protection, Fire Alarm Systems, fire safety, Intrusion detection systems, security technology, Video surveillance and recording systems, Video surveillance systems, video technology, Wireless and remote behetolásjelző, Wireless remote monitoring and alarm, Wireless signaling
GPS: 47.5427629 / 19.0872332

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Omega Team Kft.
Address: 1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 19.
Telephone: +36 (56) 502-620
Fax: +36 (56) 502-620
Mobile: +36 (20) 557-0520
Homepage: www.omegateam.hu

, bodyguards, Cleaning, Cleaning services, door entry systems, Event Insurance, financial protection, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm Systems, Gate Phone, Guarding dogs, Object guarding, policing, Price screening, Property and fire protection, Reception, Remote control systems, Security systems, surveillance cameras, the review of assets
GPS: 47.4958301 / 19.0667934

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Address: 2084 Pilisszentiván, Kossuth u. 30.
Telephone: +36 (20) 934-3999
Telephone: +36 (26) 366-519
Fax: +36 (1) 326-1443
Homepage: www.mikrotechno.hu

, Fire Alarm Systems, Housing Alarm Installation, Install alarms, security technology
GPS: 47.6079739 / 18.8900133

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Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft
Address: 1138 Budapest, Párkány u. 14.
Telephone: +36 (1) 222-2526
Mobile: +36 (30) 931-7243
Homepage: www.microtelkft.hu

, burglar alarms, car alarms, Fire Alarm Systems, Intrusion, security technology
GPS: 47.5301929 / 19.0608578

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Bosch Biztonságtechnikai Rendszerek Kereskedelmi Kft.
Address: 1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 120.
Telephone: +36 (1) 431-3200
Fax: +36 (1) 431-3222
Homepage: www.boschsecurity.hu

, CCTV systems, Emergency Systems, financial protection, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire and security, fire safety, Intrusion, Intrusion Detection and Control, Intrusion detection video surveillance, IP Network Video Solutions, security technology, Sound Technique
GPS: 47.462624 / 19.167965

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Spectrum Security Safety
Address: 1101 Budapest, Korponai u. 4.
Telephone: +36 (1) 260-1908
Fax: +36 (1) 262-2005
Homepage: www.spectrum.hu

, financial protection, Fire Alarm Systems, Metal detectors and baggage inspection, Parking systems, security technology, surveillance cameras, Video Surveillance

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AGIS Fire & Security Kft.
Address: 1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 3/B
Telephone: +36 (1) 430-3700
Homepage: www.agisfs.hu

, , CCTV systems, Fire Alarm Systems, security technology, Sprinkler systems, Video surveillance systems
GPS: 47.529902 / 19.0326009

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