2024.06.22 Saturday Paulina


Permanent without treatment plant Handball handicrafts, -accessories Hand tools hand tools cottage industry hand dryers Barcode Label Barcode Printer bar codes and identification technology Barcode Printers Bar code tools Cash bar code systems to petrol stations Cash registers with bar code Barcode asset Barcode Hand tools trade BAHCO hand tools Handicrafts Barcode Hand cream hand rámpakiegyenlítők earth hand paraffin treatment Hay fever treatment Manual folding Dental diseases Cellulite treatment Tinker tools Energizing treatment Waste Treatment needlework framing hand kapszulázó printed circuit mounting, with manual and automated welding gyógyiszap treatments aerated treatment barcode printers barcode readers international receivables management claims management spinal management gerincsérv management Hydrodermie treatment Hand brake cable Symbol bar code readers Manual cleaning of Persian carpets Hand-hydraulic hoist Manual hydraulic press Manual oil pump Hand massage Workshops and skills development training Management skills development training Keratoconus treatment Myopia treatment Myopia treatment Astigmatism treatment Boiler plant operator without constant labellers Name on the wine label Tissue system Roll paper towels Folded paper towels Database management systems design Gymnastics treated diseases Physiotherapy treatment Physiotherapy treatments Gernc problems Sludge Treatment Cordless hand tools Petrol hand tools Electric hand tools Air hand tools Truck terminals Intermec CN Series RFID systems in operation RFID systems are implemented RFID systems RFID standards RFID RFID technical training Development of automatic identification systems DPM reader systems design DPM reader installation DPM reader systems Maintenance Verify Code DPM DPM code generation systems development DPM code generation systems installed Handheld Barcode scanners Counter scanners Gap readers Price monitoring Barcode Printers Code quality control Eikettek, ribbon Labels Ribbon Labels, Ribbon Handheld Recorders PDAs Hand bag closing Artisan ice cream Bioenergetic therapy Tires fleet management Astigmatizmus laser treatment Laser treatment of myopia Laser treatment of hypermetropia Corneal diseases Hazardous Waste Management Kazincbarcika Condensate treatment Hand-cutting Craft techniques Manual and pneumatic presses Treatment of strabismus Professional-electric hand tools Power Tools Electric hand dryers Kiosk Printers ID Card Printing Hand-assisted breathing balloons Fingerprint door lock operation Auto ID products CeBIT products Hand protection Service station operator and vendor training Tag Reader ADR treatment of the product Hand-knotted carpets Electric hand tools FEIN Power Tools Manual tile cutter Rejuvenation Treatments Caviar anti-wrinkle treatments Caviar treatments Firming Treatment RÉPONSE treatments Hydrogen plant operator Hand surgery Cataract Treatment Hand tools Shop Downtown Property Management Metrologic scanners Unique handcrafted items Laser treatment of varicose veins and skin outpatient Varicose diagnosis and treatment Spider vein, vein laser treatment broom Acne skin treatment Acne treatment Inflamed skin treatment Atrophy treatment Hormonal treatment of skin diseases Treatment of skin diseases Teenage acne treatment Seboreás skin treatment Acne treatment Konglobált acne treatment Bahco Tools Spa aszmás symptoms Hand stretch film Hand-strap machine Manual capsule filling

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Address: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 231.
Telephone: +36 (1) 438-6000
Telephone: +36 (1) 248-0222
Fax: +36 (1) 248-0223
Homepage: www.magics.hu

, Auto ID products, automatic data, Automatic person identification, bar codes and identification technology, Barcode, Barcode Label, Barcode Printer, barcode printers, barcode readers, Biometric identification, Card Printers, Casio Recorders, CeBIT products, data collectors, e-store management system, electronic production, etiquette, Fingerprint door lock operation, Handheld Barcode scanners, ID Card Printing, identification technique, ink ribbons, Kiosk Printers, labels, Metrologic bar code readers, Metrologic Recorders, patient identification, Plastic card design, Plastic card making, plastic card printing, Plastic cards, Print product, Printing Products, production management system, Programming data, Protective equipment, raktárirányítási system, Security ID Card, Sporting, Street corporate mobility, Symbol bar code readers, Symbol Mobile Customer System, system, wrist, Zebra Barcode Printers, Zebra jegynyomtatók, Zebra Receipt Printers
GPS: 47.4623696 / 18.9911058
Leírás: A Mag ICS Holding ZRt. csúcstechnológiát képező, testre szabott, saját fejlesztésű automatikus azonosításra épülő egyedi rendszereket épít. A Mag ICS Holding ZRt. alaptevékenységei közé tartozik a teljes, komplex rendszerek tervezése, fejlesztése, és telepítése. Cége leendő rendszerének mind szoftver, mind hardver elemeit kiválasztjuk, továbbfejlesztjük és installáljuk. Már meglévő, működő rendszerét is korszerűsítjük, ha Cége kinőtte régi kereteit.

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Address: 1131 Budapest, Reitter Ferenc u. 177.
Telephone: +36 (1) 436-7575
Fax: +36 (1) 436-7555
Homepage: www.vonalkod.hu

, bar codes and identification technology, Barcode, Barcode Printer, Barcode Printers, barcode readers, Code quality control, Counter scanners, Development of automatic identification systems, DPM code generation systems development, DPM code generation systems installed, DPM reader installation, DPM reader systems design, DPM reader systems Maintenance, Gap readers, Handheld Barcode scanners, Handheld Recorders, Intermec CN Series, Labels, Labels, Ribbon, PDAs, Price monitoring, RFID, RFID standards, RFID systems, RFID systems are implemented, RFID systems in operation, RFID technical training, Ribbon, Truck terminals, Verify Code DPM
GPS: 47.5448264 / 19.0938433
Leírás: Az iparág hazai piacvezetőjeként a VRH megalapítása óta élenjárónak számít az új technológiák és megoldások megismerésében és alkalmazásában. Ezt a törekvést támasztja alá korai jelentkezésünk az EPC Global tagjai közé, illetve az általunk végzett sokrétű oktatási és kutatási tevékenység, melynek színvonalát a 2006-ban Uniós támogatás segítségével megépült RFID Labor is mutatja. Az RFID technológiával kapcsolatos tevékenységünk fókuszában természetesen a képzés és a laboratóriumi vizsgálatok (mérések, kísérletek, eszközfejlesztések stb.) mellett az automatikus azonosítási rendszerek fejlesztése áll, de törekszünk arra, hogy a három terület együttesen hozzájáruljon az általunk nyújtott szolgáltatások folyamatos tökéletesítéséhez

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B. C. S. Hungary Kft.
Address: 1135 Budapest, Reitter Ferenc u. 39-49.
Telephone: +36 (1) 451-6070
Fax: +36 (1) 339-9707
Homepage: www.bcs.hu

, Bar code tools, bar codes and identification technology, Barcode, Barcode asset, Barcode Label, Barcode Printers, barcode readers, Cash bar code systems to petrol stations, Cash registers with bar code, Code quality control, Counter scanners, data collectors, data transfer, Development of automatic identification systems, DPM code generation systems development, DPM code generation systems installed, DPM reader systems design, DPM reader systems Maintenance, Gap readers, Handheld Barcode scanners, Handheld Recorders, Labels, Labels, Ribbon, Metrologic bar code readers, PDAs, RFID, RFID standards, RFID systems, RFID systems are implemented, RFID systems in operation, RFID technical training, Symbol bar code readers, Verify Code DPM, Zebra Barcode Printers
GPS: 47.5290391 / 19.0845455

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