2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


Front door manufacturing Door manufacturing asphalt manufacture, asphalting car manufacture Tinker Production Elements Internal joinery larch Furniture furniture production, trade Crane production Food processing equipment manufacturing Wood interior door manufacturing Wood joinery Male children sweater manufacturing paint/emulsion-, glaze- and varnish manufacture film and video production and distribution plywood production machinery manufacture engineering industry, mechanical engineering Steam and infrared products Pharmaceutical manufacturing Pharmaceutical packaging materials Welding products Welding production Manufacture of infrared Production of gates Boiler manufacture picture- and photo framing Combi sauna production Magnet production Balance Sheet Production instrument and apparatus manufacture billboard printing, manufacturing porcelain manufacture and distribution manufacturing of advertising instruments Their own production of welding equipment Sporting goods manufacturing Manufacture of saunas Lens manufacture Tool production tool manufacture brick manufacture and distribution television- and radio manufacture, distribution pasta making, trade aluminium oxide production steel- and iron foundry Workware Production of special lenses Upholstered furniture Manufacture of electrical control Metal construction services Cosmetics Solar Production camshaft production Tinware products and essay Production Tool tabs feed production Parts Production Production for hotels furniture needs of individual carpentry factory Manufacture of Custom Products concrete production Concrete production film individual production buildings Production of mobile roof Medical device manufacturing Production of promotional materials Invitations Production Manufacture of instruments covers preform manufacturing kupakgyártás Outdoor swimming pool construction Custom Built lifts Manufacture of metal shutters műsorgyártás and video Electrical equipment manufacturing Custom Built Lifts conveyor belt production transmission manufacturing Joinery factory production Switchgear manufacture Switching equipment faforgácsoló production tools Manufacture of pneumatic tools Manufacture of assembly tools Manufacture of pneumatic components compressor parts manufacturing Production of gas-shielded Torches shrink production CD Production VHS production Videotape production Production of video cassettes Swimming pool construction Gyógyháttámasz Production PCB production PCB production One-sided printed circuit board manufacturing Double-sided printed circuit board manufacturing Production strings Strings of production and distribution String plucked strings production Violin strings production Viola strings production Cello strings production Double bass strings production Classical guitar making Electric guitar making Acoustic guitar making Individual profiles Design and construction dust filter deposits Filter production Manufacture of fire-fighting signs PCB production PCB production PSB production Mucus production sheets Production of PCBs pages Printed circuit board manufacturing Hole plated PCB Production Pools Construction Docks MODELS Production Pool cover Custom Pools Construction Individual swimming pools Indoor Swimming Pool Cooler and equipment nec Industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturing Manufacture of medium Manufacture of workwear Computer mucus production Plastic bag manufacturing Production of reinforced concrete structures Sportswear Manufacture Footwear Production Manufacture of other outerwear EDM Equipment Manufacture Plastic Film production Disposable, single-use products Intercom systems manufacturing Bottles, jars Production Electronic component manufacturing Custom-made products CE marked Production of iron castings Border heating system of production EDM machines Curved, shaped windows and doors manufacturing Custom manufacture of doors and windows Distribution of production and renovation Production of mail boxes Manufacture of paper packaging materials Production of corrugated board Manufacture of individual packaging Insulating glass production Profile rolling production Narrow strip, cut Ribbon Manufacturing Compensator springs, dampers Production Ljungström refurbishment, heat exchanger elements of production Plastic products Production of polyethylene bags, Sülysáp Production of retreaded truck tires Production of polyethylene plastic bags Metal components Manufacture of plastic injection molded parts Design and manufacture of plastic injection molds Asphalt and concrete production, recycling Glass manufacturing Machine design, manufacturing Filtering and circulation devices Sand filters Equipment Beam filter Filter container Sunnypool metal foil pools Pool replacement films Sole basins, acrylic stairs Polypropylene tanks Fiberglass pools Underwater lights Pool heating, dehumidification Water heating equipment Pool vacuum cleaners Chemical Equipment Massage Jets, accessories Massage pumps Steel constructions Elevator manufacturing Passenger car production Production of car hoist Manufacture of office and living containers Manufacture of lift shafts Elevator manufacturing Chimney liner production Production of aluminum fröccsszerszám Metal injection molding tool production Manufacture of blow molding Production of cold crimping tool Manufacture of cutting tools, drawing Manufacture of plastic tool förccsöntő 3D mold Manufacture of production runs Furniture production front Glass bottle manufacturing Silicone products Threaded fasteners Rust Metal Cleaning Maintained by Fire-resistant

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Address: 2142 Nagytarcsa, Naplás út 10. (M0 58-as kijáratánál)
Telephone: +36 (28) 920-920
Fax: +36 (28) 920-921
Homepage: www.aplast.hu
Homepage: www.muanyaglemezek.hu
Webshop: www.szekalatetshop.hu

, A-Plast Debrecen, A-Plast Erd, ABS disc, cellular polycarbonate, Chairmats, Chairmats shop, Decorative materials, fibreglass, Impact-resistant polystyrene HIPS, légkamrás polycarbonate, MODELS Planning, MODELS Production, Multiclear plates, Multiclear polycarbonate sheets, Multiclear üregkamrás polycarbonate sheets, Outdoor polycarbonate, PMMA plate, policarbonates, polycarbonate chamber, roofing and insulation materials, SAN disk, Smartmatt, Smartmatt Chairmats, Smartmatt Chairmats shop, solid polycarbonate, Special polycarbonate sheets, The Győr-Plast, The Plast-Kecskemét, vákumformázható polystyrene plate
GPS: 47.5175333 / 19.1915848
Leírás: Az üregkamrás (más néven cellás, kamrás vagy légkamrás) polikarbonát lemezek egy speciális extrúziós technológiával készülnek, az ARLA PLAST csehországi gyárában. Cégünk 6 éve látja el a svéd tulajdonú gyár magyarországi és közép-kelet-európai képviseletét, évről évre több és több ügyfél pozitív visszajelzése mellett. Polikarbonát lemezeink beépítéséhez, rögzítéséhez komplett aluminium profil rendszert kínálunk, valamint részletes szerelési segédletet adunk. Szakembereink pedig személyesen is rendelkezésükre állnak, néhány percen belül pontos árajánlatot készítenek bármilyen egyedi igény szerint is. Amennyiben görgősszékét huzamosabb ideig használja akár sima felületen, akár padlószőnyegen, előbb-utóbb kárt tesz a felületén. A Smartmatt használatával ezt megakadályozhatja. Kellemes megjelenést kölcsönözhet irodájának, nem kell többé takargatni a csúnya foltokat, karcolásokat. A Smartmatt megszépíti az irodáját, otthonát.

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P & T Plasztik Kft.
Address: 1108 Budapest, Gyömrői út 156-158.
Telephone: +36 (1) 260-7669
Fax: +36 (1) 260-7669
Mobile: +36 (30) 647-5062
Homepage: www.ptplasztik.hu

, ABS disc, Alucobond, Alucobond polycarbonate sheets, Aluminum plate, Aluminum sheets, Ceilings profile, cellular polycarbonate, Dibond, Dibond polycarbonate sheets, Ex-post insulation, Fiberglass jobs, fiberglass panels, Fiberglass roof, fiberglass walls, fibreglass, Impact-resistant polystyrene HIPS, Industrial Plastics, légkamrás polycarbonate, Lexan, Lexan polycarbonate sheets, Makrolon, Makrolon polycarbonate sheets, MODELS Planning, MODELS Production, Multiclear polycarbonate sheets, Multiclear üregkamrás polycarbonate sheets, Multipanel, Multipanel polycarbonate sheets, Outdoor polycarbonate, Panels, Plexiglas dividers, Plexiglas skylights, plexiglass plate, plexiglass sheets, polycarbonate chamber, pontbevilágítók, Quinn, Quinn, polycarbonate sheets, Sandwich, solid polycarbonate, Special polycarbonate sheets, Styrol plates, suspended ceilings, üregkamrás polycarbonate, vákumformázható polystyrene plate
GPS: 47.4602329 / 19.1707834
Leírás: Társaságunk a P&T Plasztik Kft 2006-ban alakult a Quinn Plastics (Európa legnagyobb műanyag síklap gyártója) magyarországi akkreditált partnereként. Tevékenységünk során a gyár termékeinek magyarországi kis- és nagykereskedelmére fókuszálunk, és biztosítjuk a termékek felhasználásához szükséges segéd- és kellékanyagokat, valamint a műszaki tudásbázist. Termékeink között szerepelnek üregkamrás és tömör polikarbonát lapok, plexi lemezek, san lemezek, kemény és habosított pvc lapok. Termékkínálatunkkal elsősorban a lakossági (előtető, teraszfedés), építőipari és reklámipari igényeket fedjük le.

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