2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


window cleaning databases, handling/management of databases Fishkeeping assistance and services Table Tennis Driving school driving schools concrete impregnating fur and leather cleaning Diving school Diving school Shoe Retail Coexis Channel cleaning drain- and canal cleaning Channel cleaning polishing materials, tools and and machinery pipe system cleaning digital services nightclub fittings nightclubs Disco noise E-markisen hood universities small electronic machinery food Food processing Food materials food trade Food safety food shops food industry Food machine food industry machinery Food processing equipment manufacturing Food refrigeration Food trade food analysis Food shop Building Materials Wholesale and retail trade corporate systems authentication Nursery seedling nursery surface cleaning metal polishing universities Cleaning fluid Photo School franchise curtain rails Gas scrubber motor vehicle authentication stockings, socks Torches industrial cleaning technology document storage, -handling, shredding office blocks, offices, commercial premises ISEKI School School home School furniture school furniture School furniture schools school accessories Drinking water purification curtain rails carpet cleaning consulates trade representatives Hand tools hand tools pet breeding small machinery Tractor entrepreneurs Air conditioning cleaning Combi sauna Combi sauna production public services public transport cultural centres cultural associations, clubs cultural services dog- cat-and pet foods, accessories consulates high schools drain clearance Lisianthus logistics Private school Ministry ministeriums Mitsubishi service washes, dry cleaning Cleaning Workwear language schools, teachers of foreign languages Oil purity measurement Professional cosmetics antiques, fine art flying tuition, flying schools statistics Wastewater Treatment Social Care occupational therapy social work Poorhouse carpet cleaning Soil and groundwater purification dance and dance schools Tennis tennis, tennis courts Tennis nets Tennis training Tennis Court Tennis Accessories Tennis Courts Tennis dress Tennis competition Tennis racket Tissot cleaning appliances, machinery Wipe Detergent Cleaners cleaning materials, appliances feather, feather cleaning road sweeping Helmets dry cleaning water supply network servicing, maintenance water sports water purification Septic Cash bar code systems to petrol stations Noise projections Zeiss Kispest cemetery Diset Climbing works Cleaning amplifiers Restorative cleaning Cellulite massage Production of special lenses Child dyslexia screening Professional event organizing Self-knowledge training Food processors Hand tools trade BAHCO hand tools Cisco Tire Trucks Batch Control Analysis Karnis assembly Cambric curtain Digital cameras Curtain English language German language Pharmacy Assistant Training Laryngeális mask bifocal glasses multifunctional glasses Cambric Language School Courses Sissi cocktail tennis instructor Tennis trainers tennis courts for hire indoor tennis courts indoor tennis courts tennis partner tennis coaches Tennis Training Individual tennis training Group tennis training adult tennis kids tennis tapestry clip Helmets party driver minibus hire destruction of confidential material iratmegsemmisítés Schools collection vákumformázható polystyrene plate refreshing massage Display Window Special safeguards Wholesale Facial cleanser Cellulite Professional Skin Care Professional development cosmetics Advanced skin Kraftmaiser Noise dosimeter Tinker tools sludge pumps valance clip Flour bread flour pasta, flour hamburger meal rye flour feed meal cake flour Packed flour Bag of flour Kiskunlacháza Mill Piaggio assistance Methis Pets Food additives Blackboard paint Sauna cleaning fluid Non-ferrous metal cleaning quick-frozen food wholesale emerald cut Babysitting service Food thermometers Food industry equipment Virtual assistant Virtual Office concrete delivery letting of premises logistics centers sensitive products of flour Makita angle grinders circuit breaker German-language schools the creation of digital archives Air Conditioning Cleaning Cleaning the air conditioning cabinet Air Conditioning Duct Cleaning Driving school Miskolc piskótaszivattyú Cleaning Spray bliszterezés gyógyiszap treatments Sanding techniques Linear bearings Grinding wheels polishing systems sanding sponge setting, polishing and surface finishing discs Fledder sanding stars Trizact of surface polishing Diamond discs and diamond abrasives flexililis modular building Cleaning strip screen cleaning Scam cream vans Irisbus marketing Bristle Discs Special adhesives Dispersion adhesives Antistatic protection Special tapes Dog School Bosch appliances Bicycle trousers Flexible metal tube Representation before Authorities Schools Cleaning Mountaineer window Carpet cleaning Furniture cleaning Phone register Cooper Vision Steeplejack In small nursery tourist cylinder charge Servo pump presentation Servo pump presentation Steering Parts Cleaning Air-conditioning cleaner Special cleaning Cleaning device Industrial cleaning Food industry cleaning Coexis fashion Coexis fashion Management training tool Tire Assembly Social benefits Social assistance Manual cleaning of Persian carpets Wool Rug Cleaning Pig suede cleaning Suede cleaning Deep carpet washing Clean underwear Assembly Bodajk School paper and stationery Website update load-bearing wheels Special rollers Bosnian Pyramid of Family educational and Methodology Basics Course Global Assembly Jászapáti Social benefits Jászapáti Social assistance Jászapáti food lisztérzékenyeknek bértextíliák professional cleaning hygienically cleaned textiles Minority Kindergarten Special kindergartens Rubber lifting Oil gun Combi oven And small electrical wholesale Special Employer Home Albertirsa water treatment technologies cleaning contaminated water gyorskapuk food plants gyorskapuk special chemical environment Primary school children magazines Unisex magazines Little teenage books chocolate fountain Cleaning non-ferrous metals Cognitive behavioral therapy nursery products small power plants Cultural Banquet Organization of cultural events Lincoln Electrics representation Production of gas-shielded Torches coaxial cables, welding gázhűtéses TIG welding guns water-cooled TIG welding guns water-cooled welding guns gázhűtéses welding guns Iron County Sewer Sewer Szombathely Driving school Budapest Crystal cup Special containers for sale Concrete Cleaning RAMPICAR multifunction machines Vans to improve Autóklíma cleaning Discount battery Battery discount Budapest bálásruha retailers Special Cleaning Special cleaning Railways Digital Map Database maintenance Digital Map Database Structuring Processing of digital maps Creating digital documents Database management systems design Fuel System Cleaning Blaupunkt brand representation Scoliosis Electronic office machines Veterinary practice Vaccination against Lyme borreliosis Vaccination against feline leucosis Mixomatosis rabbit anti-vaccination Pets obstetric care Pets dental care Scrubbers Sludge Treatment Disposal of sewage sludge Sewage sludge disposal Sewage sludge into compost Drinking water purification Hydraulic non-return valve Cleaners HACCP systems Broom Universal scarf Cordless hand tools Petrol hand tools Electric hand tools Air hand tools Abrasives Universal casting binding Domo Unicoup binding universal fittings Taxi service Strip Cleaning Cleaning marble surfaces Digital map making utility Budapest public places database Digital cable TV networks to assess Telecommunications networks, digital survey Statement acknowledging the debt Food processing Cleaning the glass walls Finishes cleaning Cleaning high pressure water jet Cleaning wet sand Assembly Ferencvaros American Tourister Direct digital X-ray Digital reproduction High-volume copying Willow Furniture Pet carrier bag Phase sequence meter German private school German-speaking children in primary education Singer legal representation Music legal representation Menu travel group Electric garden equipment warranty repair Garden machinery repair warranty Digital scales Marantec Agency Crystal therapy Bipolar batteries Special working Special work clothes Mountaineers Helmet ZnSe meniscus lens Franchise issues Grain logistics site Complex logistics Pool cleaning WEDA B680 pool cleaner Pools clean panels Settled sludge removal Large pool cleaning Automatic pool cleaner WEDA B680 pool cleaner Remotely controlled swimming pool cleaner WEDA SD sludge collector Potable water purification Digital Photocopying Drawing digital copying Copy digital drawing Municipal waste transport Municipal waste is shipped Kazincbarcika Of graft Posters Short run printing Digital photography subject Mechanical heat Domestic sewage treatment plant School glassware Trade School Catering School Tourism School Tourism Foundation School School of Commerce Foundation Foundation School Catering Food flavor Digital Photo Paper Digital photo technology Digital photo lab chemicals Back to process waste Branches, formation of trade missions and consultants Expropriation plans Food hose ESSILOR Varilux multifocal lens COOPER VISION contact lenses Agrármenedzser assistant Mental and physical freshness Vocational School of Fine Arts Representing the interests of secured TB and Social Affairs Privacy Communication self-recognition training Food for sale Acrobatic skills Acrobatic artist qualifications Acrobat training Limb orthoses Breast Forms Compression stockings Spiritual healer and teacher Professional LED Lighting Water pump warranty repair Gas appliance retail and wholesale Reflective Accessories Linen cleaning Food industry workwear Cleaning working clothes Clean room clothes Clean room Clean room services Clean room clothing Cleanroom technology Tire Phase Vision Touristic Digital Antenna Installation Prime Minister's Office Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement Ministry of Environment and Water Transport, Communications and Energy Ministry Foreign Office National Development and Economy Ministry Ministry of Education and Culture Ministry of Local Government Finance Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Discreet dating Seasonal opening hours Food Delivery Fresh fruit Tisza Catering Ministry of Defence Syris cross-magnification system Celiac disease Special body treatment courses Legal Assistant Training Minibus rental Kecskemét Minibus hire Kecskemet Ophthalmic screening at school Set visus sight-testing instruments Digital measuring tactile Building cleaning Food Wholesaler Dr. Theiss Reflective stickers Professional-electric hand tools Lisianthus material Lisianthus cuttings Sanders Sander Lisianthus seedlings Routers Power Tools Sanders Digital callipers Gubisch milling Infraorális ray Small-and Medium-Sized Business Manager Training Sexual health Chinese Diagnosis Flexible fuel piping system Water recovery equipment Holistic Electric hand dryers Air fresheners Glass Cleaning Product tags Special plasters Construction machines Digital Poster Night swimming Night is open to the beach Night is open to the adventure Night is open to the thermal Curtain Cleaning Pillow Cleaning Non-return Official Koyo dealer KONICA MINOLTA official Brand Flexible tubes Impact-resistant polystyrene HIPS Audio-visual systems design, construction Food technical school Agricultural vocational school Kenessey Gerjen Albert Primary School Children's assistant training Office assistant training Logistics Manager Training AMBU Representation Buying antiques First Certificate in Magyar Certificate in Advenced Magyar Certificate of Proficiency in Magyar Plastische Chirurgie Plastische Chirurgie Ungarn Plastische Chirurgie in Budapest Gemstone Sanding Floor polishers Carpet Emission measurements Fresh vegetables Fresh fruit Fresh fruit packaging Fresh vegetable packing Elementary education Personal Assistant Customer Service Training Telephone and electronic customer care assistant training Analog and digital telephone equipment Professional language Concord Language School Distribution activities Social Work - Child Protection Visioffice FEIN Power Tools Straight grinder Sander Routers Well Cleaning Digital Photo Frame Matis Facial cleanser Administrative student Cleaning Day Suede cleaning, coloring Skins, fur cleaning Nathan, Diset, Mercury Advanced specialized interpretation Pharmacy assistant language training Management Appliances Trade statistics Statistical data Three-phase industrial motors Vis Plus Automatic power factor correction equipment Advanced Capacitors Fixef improve power factor correction, reconstruction HEKA static equipments EPCOS, ICAR Power factor correction capacitors Advertisement Cleaning, Clean Network Analysis Maternity wear Polystyrene insulation boards Flexible Boom FAIR Purifiers Investment Value Analysis Copying ISO 9001 ISO 14001 Logistics package Glue Rock Sanders Virtual Leadership Appliances Centre Reach Dry cleaner's Mágocs dry cleaner Quality dry-cleaning Blackboards Universal cabin system Ultrasonic cleaning Air conditioning cleaning, repairs Isoplus pipe Advanced Refractive Diagnostics Visual acuity assessment tools Visual acuity test unit IOL intraocular Glutenfree diet food Hand tools Shop Facade cleaning Air purifier Dysplasia Fiskars scissors Door-to-door carpet Advanced Materials Weishaupt solar Logistics and article surveillance tags Destruction of securities Representation before tax authorities Molecular biology Radiation protection dose rate meter Synthesis Educational and translation of literary works Universal disinfectant Boiler chemical cleaning Reflecting plate Tennis training Oriental training consultant Spot a private school Sports Specialty Beds Media Assistant Technologist Audiovisual department assistant Television production department assistant IT Technical Engineer Oriental dance instructor training Private school sports Business Decisions Laser treatment of varicose veins and skin outpatient Varicose diagnosis and treatment Laser varicose vein surgery Varicose veins laser surgery without cutting Fischer Medimarker Ltd. Advanced machine design IDRA representation Pet salon 11.kerület Cavil Pet beauty Reflective strips Reflective Clothing Reflective vest Tourist accommodation Százhalombatta Licensed drinking water and food coatings Domestic and foreign small - high-value properties Acne fulminaris Hormonal treatment of skin diseases Bahco Tools Finish Thompson Air-bogyisz Domestic appliance service in Miskolc Auto glazing Miskolc Motel & Camping Kiskunmajsa Motel bácskiskun Camping Kiskunmajsa Pizza Delivery Food Delivery MABISZ-rated shutters Window Cleaning Car upholstery cleaning Leather Cleaning Budapest VIII. district. Aluminum Cleaning Cleaning Aluminum Rims Fresh fruits and vegetables wholesale and export Digital door entry systems MABISZ licensed alarm DUTI congestion cleaning EPS polystyrene Plinth polystyrene XPS Polystyrene EPS Tile adhesives and polystyrene ISO 14001 certification ISO 9001 certification Bluetooth hands-free helmet Hostel Dispatch Desks Marble Polishing Digital safe Wall Safe Digital door entry systems Telecommunications Cost Analysis Music School Small Cash Invitation Isola roofing sheets Coaxial Cables Metal Recovery Dispersion Crystallization Low voltage power cable Household water treatment Cleaning agents Digital Piano Van Lift Digital wallpaper 24-hour dispatching service Avis card Bicycle Shop, Kistarcsa Viscose yarn Little Evening Youthful little dress Clean Water Pump Metal Cleaning Thermoforming Carpenter Bacs-Kiskun Roofing Bacs-Kiskun Plumbing Bacs-Kiskun Aquarium cleaning Pisze Glass Retail DISC-LOCK


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Cserkeszőlő Fürdő és Gyógyászati Központ
Address: 5465 Cserkeszőlő, Fürdő út 25.
Telephone: +36 (56) 568-465
Fax: +36 (56) 568-465
Homepage: www.wellnesscentrum.hu/cserkeszolo
Homepage: www.cserkefurdo.hu

, , aerated treatment, Bathing, baths, beach Cserkeszőlő, gyógyiszap treatments, medical center Cserkeszőlő, Night is open to the adventure, Night is open to the beach, Night is open to the thermal, Night swimming, pools Cserkeszőlő, Spa, spa Cserkeszőlő, Swimming pool and sauna, swimming pool Cserkeszőlő, swimming pool, beach, Thermal swimming pool, water-jet massage
GPS: 46.8664107 / 20.2056214
Leírás: Cserkeszőlő alföldi település, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében a Tiszazugban található. Szolnoktól délre, Kecskeméttől délkeletre, egyenlő távolságra, kb. 35-35 km-re a 44-es főközlekedési út mentén.A fürdő az év minden napján nyitva tart. A fürdőben megtalálható Európa első kétpályás, leghosszabb ponyvacsúszdája, valamint egy „Csendes-óceáni” hullámokat gerjesztő hullámmedence. Téli fürdőnk 4 db gyógyvizes medencével rendelkezik. A szabadban található 3 db gyógyvizes medence, 1 db élmény és rehabilitációs medence, 1 db tanmedence, 1 db 2,6 m mély úszómedence, 1 db hullámmedence, és 1 db gyermekmedence. A fürdő területéhez szervesen kapcsolódik az utramodern gyógyászati centrum, melyben egész évben igénybe vehetők gyógyászati szolgáltatásaink, melyeket a társadalombiztosítók is térítenek. Nyitvatartás: Egész évben 8-17 óráig, szezon időszakban: 7-19 óráig

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