2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


Diver training Adult Education Men's coats Men's shoes Men's Shoes Men's Underwear Male children sweater manufacturing Men's Jacket Men's clothing Menswear men's clothing training dog training manager training Women's Men's Gloves Men's Women's moccasins technical training Barcode Label Barcode Printer bar codes and identification technology Barcode Printers Bar code tools Cash bar code systems to petrol stations Cash registers with bar code Barcode asset Barcode Men's Fashion Barcode Pharmacy Assistant Training Trade courses Foreign training Transportation Training Marketing training Financial Training Social Security Training Personnel training Further training in German Modeling Training barber shop Profession Professional Presentations Skin rejuvenation program Fisheries Training Fisheries vocational training barcode printers barcode readers Professional decorators test Window-dresser training Decorating training Language Courses Symbol bar code readers Easy room operator training It is difficult room operator training Management training tool NDT Training ECT training Teacher training Mens Socks Mens T-shirt English language courses Executive Coaching PR training Corporate Training Training firms Super Faserfix drainage rivers electrical trades textbooks Engineering professions textbooks transport professions textbooks Trainings Mechanical technician training Advertising contact training Banking training Truck terminals Intermec CN Series RFID systems in operation RFID systems are implemented RFID systems RFID standards RFID RFID technical training Development of automatic identification systems DPM reader systems design DPM reader installation DPM reader systems Maintenance Verify Code DPM DPM code generation systems development DPM code generation systems installed Handheld Barcode scanners Counter scanners Gap readers Price monitoring Barcode Printers Code quality control Eikettek, ribbon Labels Ribbon Labels, Ribbon Handheld Recorders PDAs Hungarian Chamber of Engineering Development Office Tourism professional training Tourism professional training Trade specialist training IT training librarian Art education Electronic graphic training Full-time Training Children and Youth supervisor training Accredited adult education Training Programmer training Juggling training Acrobat training Legal Assistant Training Ice-blue training Smoke Environmental professional events Web Programming Training General education system Static IT Training Hospitality and tourism management from training Commercial Training Manager Small-and Medium-Sized Business Manager Training Foreign Sales management training Advertising management from organizing training Foreign Trade Sales Training Marketing and advertising executive course Training Administrator Static and Economic Planning of IT Training Foreign Economic Sales Training Professional proofreading Kiosk Printers ID Card Printing Baker, pastry chef training Agricultural Training fixer Farmer Training Tax Advisor Training Purchasing training Banking, investment product sales training Payroll Administrator Training Stenographer training Insurance Advisory Training Shop assistant, store manager training Typing, word processing training Children's assistant training Childcare training Secretary of Foreign Training Office assistant training Commercial Training Manager Foreign Economic Administrator Training Logistics Manager Training International Transportation Manager Training Dangerous executive course Fingerprint door lock operation Auto ID products CeBIT products Professional Learning Taxi driver training Taxi operator training Engine Training Simulator Automatic transmission car training Automatic car for training Tag Reader Elementary education Training courses Economic Information Technology Training Typists and word processing training Magasépítő Technician Training Civil engineering technician training IT Technology Training Financial Accounting Manager-Training Computer technician, maintenance training Personal Assistant Customer Service Training Telephone and electronic customer care assistant training Secretary Training Administrator Administrative Secretary Training Professional Translation Professional language One-to-one training Vocational training contribution Specialized language training Pharmacy assistant language training Cable technician training Electrical network and station training Men's shoes Laboratory technician training Foreign Language Communicator Training MORFICO family Pilot Training Tennis training Ski instructor course Karate coach training Personal trainer training Sports massage training Aerobic training coach Bodybuilder, trainer training NTR public courses Oriental training consultant Intermediate and advanced training Animator training Kayak and canoe coach training Oriental dance instructor training Swimming instructor training Accredited training Men's shirts University courses in German Professional training courses in German Surveillance camera Personally, Property Protection and Private Detectives Association, Night-time study


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Address: 1012 Budapest, Kuny Domokos u. 4/d
Telephone: +36 (1) 782-6816
Fax: +36 (1) 782-6817
Homepage: www.archirex.hu

, archiving, archiving systems, Digitization of documents, document management systems, document storage, -handling, shredding, postal services, postal services firms, Public Storage, RFID, RFID standards, RFID systems, RFID systems are implemented, RFID systems in operation, RFID technical training, the creation of digital archives, Workflow Systems
GPS: 47.4984056 / 19.0407578
Leírás: Társaságunk azzal a céllal alakult, hogy tevékenységével kiszolgálja azon igényes gazdálkodó szervezeteket, amelyek komolyan veszik a XXI. század információs-technológiai kihívásait. Az ügyvitel és ezen belül az ügyiratkezelés fejlesztése, valamint a benne rejlő kommunikációs lehetőségek korszerű vállalatirányítási eszközökkel történő kihasználása olyan pozíció eléréséhez segíti a szervezetet, amellyel a hosszú távú és sikeres működés biztosítottá válik. Az Archirex Kft e fejlesztési feladatok megoldásában kíván részt venni, az Önök szervezetének fejlődését, hatékonyságát szolgálva a jövőben.

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Address: 1131 Budapest, Reitter Ferenc u. 177.
Telephone: +36 (1) 436-7575
Fax: +36 (1) 436-7555
Homepage: www.vonalkod.hu

, bar codes and identification technology, Barcode, Barcode Printer, Barcode Printers, barcode readers, Code quality control, Counter scanners, Development of automatic identification systems, DPM code generation systems development, DPM code generation systems installed, DPM reader installation, DPM reader systems design, DPM reader systems Maintenance, Gap readers, Handheld Barcode scanners, Handheld Recorders, Intermec CN Series, Labels, Labels, Ribbon, PDAs, Price monitoring, RFID, RFID standards, RFID systems, RFID systems are implemented, RFID systems in operation, RFID technical training, Ribbon, Truck terminals, Verify Code DPM
GPS: 47.5448264 / 19.0938433
Leírás: Az iparág hazai piacvezetőjeként a VRH megalapítása óta élenjárónak számít az új technológiák és megoldások megismerésében és alkalmazásában. Ezt a törekvést támasztja alá korai jelentkezésünk az EPC Global tagjai közé, illetve az általunk végzett sokrétű oktatási és kutatási tevékenység, melynek színvonalát a 2006-ban Uniós támogatás segítségével megépült RFID Labor is mutatja. Az RFID technológiával kapcsolatos tevékenységünk fókuszában természetesen a képzés és a laboratóriumi vizsgálatok (mérések, kísérletek, eszközfejlesztések stb.) mellett az automatikus azonosítási rendszerek fejlesztése áll, de törekszünk arra, hogy a három terület együttesen hozzájáruljon az általunk nyújtott szolgáltatások folyamatos tökéletesítéséhez

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B. C. S. Hungary Kft.
Address: 1135 Budapest, Reitter Ferenc u. 39-49.
Telephone: +36 (1) 451-6070
Fax: +36 (1) 339-9707
Homepage: www.bcs.hu

, Bar code tools, bar codes and identification technology, Barcode, Barcode asset, Barcode Label, barcode printers, barcode readers, Cash bar code systems to petrol stations, Cash registers with bar code, Code quality control, Counter scanners, data collectors, data transfer, Development of automatic identification systems, DPM code generation systems development, DPM code generation systems installed, DPM reader systems design, DPM reader systems Maintenance, Gap readers, Handheld Barcode scanners, Handheld Recorders, Labels, Labels, Ribbon, Metrologic bar code readers, PDAs, RFID, RFID standards, RFID systems, RFID systems are implemented, RFID systems in operation, RFID technical training, Symbol bar code readers, Verify Code DPM, Zebra Barcode Printers
GPS: 47.5290391 / 19.0845455

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