2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


databases, handling/management of databases Parts for sale Permanent without treatment plant Andragogy English course petrol stations Diving University Universities universities Wooden materials surface preparation, -treatment, -covering Photo Course heat treating waste handling property handling document storage, -handling, shredding schools R & D education Claim treatment German courses Language Courses Language courses abroad Language courses Education education, education management Educational resources Education organization education methodology sewage disposal courses terraced house management money handling Crisis management Crisis management in government and EU institutions Currency sales Railway tickets water management Music education Baby massage courses Self-knowledge training Stress Management super-language courses Maintain the language course surface fencing Academic preparation főzőtanfolyamok paraffin treatment facial Hay fever treatment Dental diseases Neck treatment Cellulite treatment Energizing treatment Education, demonstration tools Waste Treatment Used Caravan for sale New caravan for sale Sale of Stock Risk Management Homes for sale For sale luxury document management systems gyógyiszap treatments aerated treatment Tagged bearings setting, polishing and surface finishing discs automatic data international receivables management claims management spinal management gerincsérv management Hydrodermie treatment Remedial education Surface Szeged Surface Solutions Easy room operator training It is difficult room operator training Management training tool Quality training for quality Staff functions Labor tasks Construction of administrative tasks Labor tasks Family educational and Methodology Basics Course Construction management tasks Jászapáti Business Language Courses Business Language Courses Competence development courses Business education Conflict resolution training Keratoconus treatment Myopia treatment Myopia treatment Astigmatism treatment wastewater treatment technology industrial wastewater stress management techniques boiler-house water treatment Boiler plant operator without constant Water Treatment Administrative tasks, counseling Public education as experts Geodetic surveying tasks Database management systems design Improving diesel dispensers Gymnastics treated diseases Physiotherapy treatment Physiotherapy treatments Gernc problems Diesel Dispenser Trainings Mechanical technician training Economic IT training Advertising contact training Hospitality, Tourism Powder handling equipment Sludge Treatment Water treatment plant's design Sewage treatment plant construction Pre-treatment of waste Executive Training Sales Training Team training Personal management consulting Banking training Trade Training Wastewater Purchase and sale of pork and lamb Bioenergetic therapy Tires fleet management Astigmatizmus laser treatment Laser treatment of myopia Laser treatment of hypermetropia Corneal diseases Sajókaza Waste Hazardous Waste Management Kazincbarcika Condensate treatment Kindergarten teacher correspondence course IT training librarian For Sale Art education Professional painter Graphic department Electronic graphic training Animation department Applied photographic department Full-time Training Vocational School of Fine Arts Second degree PR course administrator Chimney mechanic course Massage therapy course Communication self-recognition training Food for sale Children and Youth supervisor training IT Commercial administrator Accredited adult education Training Programmer training Herbs Sale Herbs Sale Special body treatment courses Beautician Courses tattoo Legal Assistant Training Treatment Air-handling equipment Treatment of strabismus Woodworking machines for sale Environmental training courses General education system Static IT Training Hospitality and tourism management from training Commercial Training Manager Tuition-free qualification European Union Business Department Manager Small-and Medium-Sized Business Manager Training Foreign Sales management training Advertising management from organizing training Foreign Trade Sales Training Marketing and advertising executive course Training Administrator Static and Economic Planning of IT Training Foreign Economic Sales Training Aluminium Surface Treatments Flower Course Tax Advisor Training Purchasing training Banking, investment product sales training Payroll Administrator Training Stenographer training Insurance Advisory Training Shop assistant, store manager training Typing, word processing training Children's assistant training Childcare training Hosstes training Secretary of Foreign Training Office assistant training Commercial Training Manager Foreign Economic Administrator Training Logistics Manager Training International Transportation Manager Training Fruit and vegetable seller Dangerous executive course Currency and the Treasurer valutaügyintéző Tour manager Social Security Administrator Antiques to buy, sell Taxi driver training Taxi operator training SWR Motorcycle license Servo-motor bikes Chemical Autogas Safety Course Light machinery and heavy machine course Service station operator and vendor training Bus driver training Engine Training Simulator Automatic transmission car training Automatic car for training Elementary education Grammar-school education Training courses Economic Information Technology Training Typists and word processing training Magasépítő Technician Training Civil engineering technician training IT Technology Training Financial Accounting Manager-Training Computer technician, maintenance training Personal Assistant Customer Service Training Telephone and electronic customer care assistant training Secretary Training Administrator Administrative Secretary Training ADR treatment of the product masseuse course Foot Massage Course Rejuvenation Treatments Caviar anti-wrinkle treatments Caviar treatments Facial Facial cleanser Firming Treatment RÉPONSE treatments Work platform operator training course Load binder course Renewable energy, energetic course Shock-proof, with a standard revision course Earth-moving machine operator Hydrogen plant operator Heat center and network Boiler Management Appliances Compressor operator Certificate Light Manager Opencast operator Wrought iron coating Store management program Laboratory technician training Foreign Language Communicator Training Demonstration instruments Educational posters Biological models Multimedia Projectors Projection Screen Language labs Teaching aid Educational model Caller picture Word cards Cataract Treatment Wood and coating systems Properties for sale in Eger Flat for sale in Eger Detached house for sale in downtown Eger Sale Rental Properties in Eger Houses for sale in Eger Downtown Property Management Tender management Nutrition Course Laser treatment of varicose veins and skin outpatient Varicose diagnosis and treatment Spider vein, vein laser treatment broom Warren Sale Acne skin treatment Acne treatment Inflamed skin treatment Atrophy treatment Hormonal treatment of skin diseases Treatment of skin diseases Teenage acne treatment Seboreás skin treatment Acne treatment Konglobált acne treatment Spa aszmás symptoms Distance Learning Center in Budapest University courses in German Sensors Sensors Music School Industrial Water Treatment Swimming pools, water treatment equipment Lake property for sale Foreign Language Training Center ORIG Exam Tanning sale Holding 13th district

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Address: 6721 Szeged, Berlini krt. 16.
Telephone: +36 (62) 422-240
Fax: +36 (62) 422-240
Mobile: +36 (20) 943-1444
Homepage: www.aticsaszarne.hu

, A license, Bus driver training, Chemical, Driver's License, Driving, driving schools, Fire Protection Exam, Fire protection specialist examination, Light machinery and heavy machine course, Motorcycle license, Service station operator and vendor training, Servo-motor bikes, SWR, Taxi driver training, Taxi operator training
GPS: 46.2609972 / 20.1483959
Leírás: M, A, B, C, C+E, D kategória. Szaktanfolyamok: EU-konform árufuvarozó és személyszállító vállalkozó, ADR, undorkeltő anyagok belföldi szállítói, Taxi- vezető és vállalkozó, személygépkocsis személyszállító, könnyűgép- és nehézgépkezelő, töltőállomás kezelő, eladó, vegyszerszállítói, tűzvédelmi szakvizsga, tachográf-kezelő, autógáz biztonsági tanfolyam, árufuvarozó (GKI) , autóbuszos személyszállító (GKI). Érintőképernyős számítógépen gyakorlási lehetőség! Részletfizetés! Motorszimulátoros képzés! Automataváltós autón képzés! Mozgáskorlátozott képzés! Autószimulátoros képzés! DARMK: 06-0056-02

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