2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


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English language courses Executive Coaching PR training Business education Corporate Training Training firms static flange gaskets Trainings Mechanical technician training Economic IT training Advertising contact training Hospitality, Tourism Executive Training Sales Training Team training Personal management consulting Banking training Trade Training GIS Projects RFID technical training Weak design of complex information systems Weak implementation of complex IT systems Low voltage operation of complex IT systems Weak maintenance of complex IT systems Hungarian Chamber of Engineering Development Office Online Stock Information Tourism professional training Tourism professional training Trade specialist training Kindergarten teacher correspondence course IT training librarian Art education Professional painter Graphic department Electronic graphic training Animation department Applied photographic department Full-time Training Vocational School of Fine Arts Second degree PR course administrator Chimney mechanic course Massage therapy course Communication self-recognition training Food for sale Children and Youth supervisor training IT Commercial administrator Accredited adult education Training Programmer training Juggling training Acrobat training IT law Special body treatment courses Beautician Courses tattoo Legal Assistant Training Ice-blue training Smoke Moving of IT systems Web Programming Training General education system Static IT Training Hospitality and tourism management from training Commercial Training Manager Tuition-free qualification European Union Business Department Manager Small-and Medium-Sized Business Manager Training Foreign Sales management training Advertising management from organizing training Foreign Trade Sales Training Marketing and advertising executive course Training Administrator Static and Economic Planning of IT Training Foreign Economic Sales Training Baker, pastry chef training Agricultural Training fixer Farmer Training Tax Advisor Training Purchasing training Banking, investment product sales training Payroll Administrator Training Stenographer training Insurance Advisory Training Shop assistant, store manager training Typing, word processing training Children's assistant training Childcare training Hosstes training Secretary of Foreign Training Office assistant training Commercial Training Manager Foreign Economic Administrator Training Logistics Manager Training International Transportation Manager Training Fruit and vegetable seller Dangerous executive course Currency and the Treasurer valutaügyintéző Tour manager Social Security Administrator Taxi driver training Taxi operator training SWR Motorcycle license Servo-motor bikes Chemical Autogas Safety Course Light machinery and heavy machine course Service station operator and vendor training Bus driver training Engine Training Simulator Automatic transmission car training Automatic car for training Elementary education Grammar-school education Training courses Economic Information Technology Training Typists and word processing training Magasépítő Technician Training Civil engineering technician training IT Technology Training Financial Accounting Manager-Training Computer technician, maintenance training Personal Assistant Customer Service Training Telephone and electronic customer care assistant training Secretary Training Administrator Administrative Secretary Training One-to-one training Vocational training contribution Specialized language training Pharmacy assistant language training Cable technician training Electrical network and station training Laboratory technician training Foreign Language Communicator Training Demonstration instruments Educational posters Biological models Multimedia Projectors Projection Screen Language labs Teaching aid Educational model Caller picture Word cards Pilot Training Tennis training Ski instructor course Karate coach training Personal trainer training Sports massage training Aerobic training coach Bodybuilder, trainer training NTR public courses Oriental training consultant IT Technical Engineer Intermediate and advanced training IT Application Training IT Administrator Animator training Kayak and canoe coach training Oriental dance instructor training Swimming instructor training Accredited training IT furniture Distance Learning Center in Budapest University courses in German Professional training courses in German Music School Foreign Language Training Center ORIG Exam Night-time study

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Address: 3300 Eger, Katona tér 5.
Telephone: +36 (36) 537-145
Fax: +36 (36) 415-234
Homepage: www.euisz.hu

, Advertising management from organizing training, Commercial Training Manager, Education, education, education management, European Union Business Department Manager, Foreign Economic Sales Training, Foreign Sales management training, Foreign Trade Sales Training, Foreign training, General education system, Hospitality and tourism management from training, logistics, Marketing and advertising executive course, Marketing training, Small-and Medium-Sized Business Manager Training, Static and Economic Planning of IT Training, Static IT Training, Tourism professional training, Trade specialist training, Training Administrator, Web Programmer, Web Programming Training
GPS: 47.9041101 / 20.3735716
Leírás: Az Európai Üzleti Ismeretek Szakközépiskolája 1999 óta működik Egerben. Intézményünk érettségi utáni szakképzéssel és felnőttoktatással foglalkozik. Az elmúlt időszakban több mint ezer hallgató szerzett szakmai képesítést iskolánkban. Tanulóink tagja lehetnek a diákönkormányzatunknak. Olyan dolgokat is megtanulhat, amelyek nem része a tananyagnak. Tanulóinkat az élet nagy kihívásaira készítjük fel. Lehetőség van a képzéseinkhez kapcsolni olyan kiegészítéseket (modulokat), amelyekkel egyszerre akár több végzettséget is szerezhet a tanuló. Intézményünkben a tandíjmentes szakképesítésen túl - a tantervi képzés mellett, az iskolai órákkal összehangolt, tanfolyami oktatás keretében - kedvező anyagi feltételekkel, egyéb szakmát is megszerezhet! Másik szakmát, illetve a kiválasztott szakmával rokon, magasabb szintű (emelt szintű) szakképzettséget. Ez utóbbi, szakirányú egyetemi vagy főiskolai felvételinél többletpontokat is jelenthet!

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Address: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 7.
Telephone: +36 (1) 887-2323
Telephone: +36 (1) 887-2320
Fax: +36 (1) 887-2324
Homepage: www.soterline.hu

, Banking, investment product sales training, Call for advice, Childcare training, Children and Youth supervisor training, Children's assistant training, Commercial Training Manager, ECT training, Food for sale, Fruit and vegetable seller, General education system, Insurance Advisory Training, IT training, IT training librarian, Legal Assistant Training, Office assistant training, Payroll Administrator Training, Pharmacy Assistant Training, Purchasing training, Secretary of Foreign Training, Shop assistant, store manager training, Static and Economic Planning of IT Training, Static IT Training, Stenographer training, Tax Advisor Training, Tourism professional training, Trade courses, Trainings, Typing, word processing training
GPS: 47.4982393 / 19.0703802

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