2024.06.02 Sunday Kármen,Anita


scents and aromas minerals patient transport coverings, -tools, -machinery Shoe repair materials polishing materials, tools and and machinery packing materials Decorative materials building materials Building Materials Wholesale and retail trade meals on wheels Wooden materials Timber Purchase Pine lumber distribution and transport Drug-delivery Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical development Pharmaceutical manufacturing Pharmaceutical research medicines and therapeutic products, serums Pharmaceutical packaging materials Pharmacy packaging home delivery Hygienic fillers skips, skip transport knitwear public traffic Home Delivery Menu plastics, plastic goods plastic works artists' materials, accessories printers' materials cash- and securities transport adhesives multiplication materials personal transport insulation materials roofing and insulation materials fireproof materials heating fuels chemical materials hazardous waste electrical insulation materials electrical fiting and maintenance materials shipping Waterproofing materials Piano transportation Sealants Liquid sealant Seals Kazincbarcika Sandwich delivery Soldering material Variable with each other decorative materials Shutter for black-out material Of textiles for hotels Upholstery Kazincbarcika Upholstery Kazincbarcika Furniture restoration Kazincbarcika Building materials transportation Container shipment destruction of confidential material soldering material Domestic Shipping pallet of goods transport transport of goods abroad Thermal conductivity materials Resources kemping patterned materials Children's decoration materials Food additives Broken transport construction and demolition debris transport concrete delivery Dental materials acid-resistant materials Minerals Trizact of surface polishing Diamond discs and diamond abrasives flexililis Shipped Car Shipping 0-24-ig Sports transportation LKE conveyor equipment Pizza delivery Protection during transport Packaging materials Production of promotional materials International passenger luxury bus Domestic passenger luxury bus Picture and sound equipment Protective materials Transport refrigeration transportation systems planning Car care materials Car transport Vehicle transport Transport boxes safe delivery Flooring materials Jet Seal materials Electrical materials to obtain Vilanyszerelési materials to obtain Mine transportation product Sand transport Transportation dump truck Fireplace construction materials Stove construction materials Tiled stove linings koszorúkötészeti materials Hazardous waste transport Lifting carriage stand Wedding passenger Transport Worker Domestic passenger Foreign passengers Employee transportation Textile filter materials Courier Private and business passenger Insulation materials Transport for meat Confectionery packaging materials Cake Delivery Subscribers marketing materials score Intact transport Rental packaging materials Antique furniture supply Instrument delivery Industrial insulation Ardex building materials Repatriations International repatriations dead domestic Lettuce delivery Salad Delivery Selective collection Kazincbarcika Selective collection installation Islands Kazincbarcika Sajókaza Waste Municipal waste transport Municipal waste is shipped Kazincbarcika Transport of dangerous goods Kazincbarcika Hazardous waste transport Kazincbarcika Hazardous Waste Management Kazincbarcika Storage of hazardous liquids Far East materials Food Delivery Industrial Plastics ARAL Lubricants Improver Piano Transport Material joints Car insurance, cargo transport domestically Broken-down vehicle to be Transportation 7 tons Car transport crane technique Dangerous executive course Pharmaceutical delivery Mineral Water Home Delivery Lectern delivery Furniture Shipping Road freight Hazard Manufacture of paper packaging materials Lightweight materials European Road parcel Romania parcel Stock Resources Sauna building materials Multimedia Dairy insulating materials Protect the wood against moisture Stone repair materials Vehicles, contained in Asphalt delivery Hazardous materials symbol Containerized waste And maintenance aids Sole and heel materials Construction Materials Budapest Fuels Timber Landscaping materials Iron materials Thervolin insulation and sealing LOCTITE adhesives and sealing materials Stainless and heat-resistant materials Menu transport in Venice Pizza Delivery Food Delivery Materials for the furniture industry Fine Art Shipping Balancing Surface Materials Fire classification Concrete deliveries Packaging Materials Trade Domestic passenger transport by bus Weddings, events, transportation of persons conducting International passenger transportation by bus Domestic and international freight Domestic supply of fish Fish Delivery Foreign supply of fish


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Address: 3700 Kazincbarcika, Ipari út 2.
Telephone: +36 (48) 312-322
Fax: +36 (48) 512-837
Homepage: www.ehg.hu

, hazardous waste, Hazardous Waste Management Kazincbarcika, Hazardous waste transport, Hazardous waste transport Kazincbarcika, Municipal waste is shipped Kazincbarcika, Sajókaza Waste, Selective collection installation Islands Kazincbarcika, Selective collection Kazincbarcika, Transport of dangerous goods Kazincbarcika
GPS: 48.24488 / 20.669235
Leírás: Alapfilozófiánk a komplex hulladékgazdálkodás megvalósítása, mely magában foglalja a kommunális hulladékok szállítását, végleges ártalmatlanítását. A tevékenység végzéséhez rendelkezünk a szükséges engedélyekkel, technológiával, gépekkel és az ártalmatlanítást végző szakcégekkel megkötött alvállalkozói szerződésekkel. Az ÉHG Zrt. a gyűjtés terén szerzett sokéves tapasztalata révén a hulladék-kezelés mind szélesebb területét kívánja átfogóan irányítása alá vonni. Társaságunk vállalja a közszolgáltatás keretében végzett hulladékkezelésen túl: a közterületeken képződő hulladék elszállítását, a nagyipari hulladéktermelőknek tevékenységükhöz és a képződő hulladékok fajtájához szükséges hulladékkezelési technológia kialakítását, a szükséges egyedi berendezések (préskonténerek, bálázók, aprítók, stb.) biztosítását.

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