2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


Bedding bedding Bedspread scents and aromas minerals Tablecloths Table linen Car decoration Car decoration coverings, -tools, -machinery Shoe repair materials polishing materials, tools and and machinery packing materials Pastry decoration Decorative doors dcorations Decoration green plants Decorative materials Decorative Paint Decorative Design Decorative glass building materials Building Materials Wholesale and retail trade Wooden materials Timber Purchase Curtains Curtains Curtains and decor curtain rails Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical development Pharmaceutical manufacturing Pharmaceutical research medicines and therapeutic products, serums Pharmaceutical packaging materials Pharmacy packaging Hygienic fillers Jacquard fabric Klöpli nylon curtain knitwear soft furnishings Balloon Decorations Balloon decoration haberashery plastics, plastic goods plastic works artists' materials, accessories printers' materials Carpets adhesives multiplication materials insulation materials Carpet rugs and carpets Carpets roofing and insulation materials Textile textile goods fireproof materials heating fuels Towel chemical materials hazardous waste Wax on canvas electrical insulation materials electrical fiting and maintenance materials Flower decoration Flower decoration Waterproofing materials Carpet Sealants Liquid sealant Wholesale textiles Textiles Decoration material Soldering material Sheet Variable with each other decorative materials Shutter for black-out material Flameless Trevira CS products Of textiles for hotels Pensions for textiles Textiles restaurants Cloth Towels Organza curtains Organza curtains lead cord Rugs Cambric curtain Szablé Jacquard curtain Lace curtains Klöpli Klöpli curtain effect Ready curtains Journal Curtain Panel curtain Embroidered voile curtain Voila curtain Organza party Embroidered organza Chenille striped organza Etched organza Novatex Reig Marti Jamil Horn, textiles Yebane Neutex Interior decoration Patterned canvas Flannel White linen Raw canvas Cambric Damask Crepe Iron on canvas Chintz Angie dekorcsipesz destruction of confidential material soldering material Thermal conductivity materials Neck treatment Neck cream Resources patterned flannel white flannel white damask colored damask crepe canvas patterned crepe solid crepe dirt piece kemping patterned materials Children's decoration materials canvas sheet Decorative lighting Decor Food additives Decorative coating Dental materials acid-resistant materials Minerals Trizact of surface polishing Diamond discs and diamond abrasives flexililis Professional decorators test Decorating training Decorator Packaging materials Production of promotional materials Car decoration 3D Decorations Lighting decoration Facade decoration Wall Decoration Protective materials events decorative design Decorative stones Car care materials Flooring materials Birthday Decorations Balloon Decorations Jet Seal materials Electrical materials to obtain Vilanyszerelési materials to obtain Fireplace construction materials Stove construction materials Tiled stove linings koszorúkötészeti materials Decoration works Glass Decorations Textile filter materials Insulation materials Confectionery packaging materials Decorative Tapes Decorative cup Christmas Decorations Subscribers marketing materials score Rental packaging materials Industrial insulation Internal decoration techniques Ardex building materials Transport of dangerous goods Kazincbarcika Far East materials Home decorations Indoor flower Industrial Plastics Party Decorations ARAL Lubricants Improver Material joints Decorative stickers Decorative board Manufacture of paper packaging materials Lightweight materials Stock Resources Sauna building materials Multimedia Dairy insulating materials Protect the wood against moisture Stone repair materials Decorative films Making Decorations Decorations And maintenance aids Sole and heel materials Construction Materials Budapest Fuels Timber Landscaping materials Iron materials Thervolin insulation and sealing LOCTITE adhesives and sealing materials Stainless and heat-resistant materials Materials for the furniture industry Balancing Surface Materials Decorative Paints Wall stickers, room decor Packaging Materials Trade Chocolate Decorations

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BÉTEX Lakástextil OUTLET
Address: 1106 Budapest, Kabai u. 2. (Keresztúri út-Kabai u. sarok)
Telephone: +36 (1) 433-2674
Telephone: +36 (1) 433-2675
Fax: +36 (1) 433-2673
Homepage: www.betex.hu
Webshop: www.betex.hu/hu/webshop

, Bedding, Bedspread, Cambric curtain, Carpet, Chenille striped organza, Cloth, Complex design, curtain rails, Curtains, Decoration material, Embroidered organza, Embroidered voile curtain, Etched organza, Flameless Trevira CS products, haberashery, Horn, textiles, interior design, Jacquard curtain, Jamil, Journal Curtain, Karnis assembly, Klöpli, Klöpli curtain effect, Lace curtains, Neutex, Novatex, Of textiles for hotels, Organza curtains, Organza curtains lead cord, Organza party, Panel curtain, Pensions for textiles, Ready curtains, Reig Marti, Rugs, Sheet, Shutter for black-out material, soft furnishings, Szablé, Tablecloths, Textile, Towel, Towels, Upholstery, Variable with each other decorative materials, Voila curtain, Yebane
GPS: 47.496364 / 19.1607864

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