2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


Window installation Arca Architecture Design Car equipment car spares automated technology engineers Car repair interior design Wine Equipment Furniture assembly Diving equipment diving accessories, divers Channel assembly pipe manufacture nightclub fittings health services, therapeutic skin care, therapy accessories electronic engineers and servicing construction contractors construction advice architects and building contractors building contractors, services architects and building contractors Elevator dentists' suppliers central heating maintenance and repair bathroom accessories gas servicing motor vehicle maintenance ships, nautical vehicles Strap locks, installation of sale industrial construction vehicle spares, -fitting vehicle repair, -servicing Fireplace Construction chimneys, -sweeping, -building landscaping Gardening exhibition creation Air conditioning installation kitchen appliances and furniture Kitchen Equipment dog- cat-and pet foods, accessories utilities construction, design flat building home furnishings architectural engineering underground construction Doors and windows installation Organ building X-ray protective skiing accessories Sports equipment Sports Equipment sporting accessories balancing technology engineers and engineering Sauna Building fitting technology technical fitting road constuction, maintenance and management reinforced steel fitting railway construction Protective Gear protective clothing, accessories electrical network building, fitting electrical fiting and maintenance materials wiring up of electrical installations plumbing and heating engineering waterworks water supply network servicing, maintenance plumbing Lock assembly Wholesale Kitchen Equipment Air conditioning installation Playground construction Building Fireplaces Tire Trucks Karnis assembly Installation of doors and windows Gas Installation plumbing installation residential construction Solar Installation Car Art Equipment software architecture substruction Building autogenous equipment lánghegesztő equipment electric ship Boat Equipment My work is built Car power windows installation flottafigyelő system installation Hydraulic engineering works Architectural Design Programs Amarr garage doors installation Loader assembly Agricultural machinery for rubber parts interior design Holding civil engineering construction and demolition debris transport Plumbing budapest Heating budapest Bicycle construction Renting ski equipment Military Equipment X-ray protection Dental Equipment Wholesale assembly of electronic and precision equipment electrical articles and electrical assembly chartered architect Construction of garden ponds lift installation in Budapest elevator installation, maintenance Space covers the construction of Installation of security doors Excavator fittings mediation of construction sites electrical installation electricity networks Outdoor swimming pool construction Servo pump-out and installation Servo pump presentation Servo pump installation Servo pump presentation Servo pump-out and installation guarantee Equipment and car care articles Tire Towing Equipment Network deployment Optical network deployment IT network deployment Construction of administrative tasks Brand building Construction management tasks Jászapáti complex architectural design architectural consultancy Crane assembly Architect Electrical materials to obtain Vilanyszerelési materials to obtain Gas Construction Civil engineering work Architectural Glass Design Fireplace construction materials Stove construction materials High voltage switchgear and transformer installation lelátórendszer Construction Building mobile színpadtető Construction law Central heating Water-gas-heating Heat recovery installation Water csatornaszerelés Office Equipment Model construction Swimming pool construction Windshield installation Windshield installation Car stereo installation Electric windows installation Central locking installed Roof installation Additional heating installation Reversing radar installation Installation of wireless phones Car repair Szeged Sewage treatment plant construction Electric gate and intercom installation Video systems design and installation Video system design and installation Heating cable installation Road gap strip Pools Construction Docks Custom Pools Construction Protective equipment to prevent falls Bicycle construction Erd Bicycle construction Erd Residential architectural design Architectural plan for approval Preparation of architectural visualization Forensic Architecture Architectural design of flats Installation of earth-moving tires Drótpántos tire assembly Acélpántos tire assembly Survival Equipment Mirror Wall Construction Automatic door installation Curtain Wall Construction Construction of synthetic grass football pitches Sports Equipment Gas Balatonlelle Central heating installation Balatonlelle Plumbing Balatonlelle Police Equipment Gas and heating Plumbing Alarm installation Water meter installation Central heating installation Building Monitoring System Analog Antenna Installation Digital Antenna Installation Ground Antenna Installation Satellite Antenna Installation And construction of rock retaining walls Construction of retaining walls Construction of rock Indoor Gardens Building Built in hydrology INOX ship's apparel Xenon kits for the subsequent incorporation Swimming Pool Construction Tips Carried advertisements mounting heights Outdoor air conditioning units mounted Pipe Post Mounting Architect Studio Medical electrical equipment assembly Highways Suspensory interior design Gereb got angry because of the attachment Press House Construction Studio Construction Tanks, towers, silos, steel installation, painting Cave construction Gym Construction Tile Construction Construction film Construction of industrial floor Sauna building materials OPEL car tuning and custom building Laser design, construction, integration Pipeline construction Compressor station construction Industrial plants, factories security fence construction Orchard cordon fences and building systems Building plasters Architectural glass trade Pavement building Sports field construction Palygrounds Structural insulation Boiler installation Technology pipeline installation First aid equipment On-site installation service by car Tire repair and installation Landscaping materials Fence construction Construction of new track Subway construction Building of roads, squares, parks construction Work of Art building, civil engineering major projects Organic architecture Living Architecture Radiator assembly, and replacement Building collectibles dealer, replacement and repair Underfloor heating building Building heating system Installation of automatic air vent, and the exchange of Circulator pump replacement, and installation Fain cool building systems Towbars supply, installation Viacolorozás, outdoor enclosures, parking lot construction Boxing equipment Security Door Installation Chimney rebuilding Chimney installation Installation of windows, construction Glass roof construction and repair Alarm installation Cruise control installation Housing Alarm Installation Flat magnets, door pull building Armor Door Installation Intercom Installation Flat magnet assembly Kitchen installation Car Electronics Installation Interior design Geology Building Roofing construction Kecskemét Akváriim equipment Glass Installation Greenhouse construction Glass roof construction

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Address: 1011 Budapest, Vám u. 5-7.
Telephone: +36 (1) 224-6200
Fax: +36 (1) 202-1246
Homepage: www.mvm.hu

, electrical network building, fitting, power grids
GPS: 47.5045513 / 19.0378236

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Émovill Bt.
Address: 2030 Érd, Sárvíz u. 18.

electrical fiting and maintenance materials, electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.3866661 / 18.936413

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Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Vértanúk tere 6.
Telephone: +36 (34) 317-180
Fax: +36 (34) 522-636

, electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.5920104 / 18.3907977

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Amper 99 Kft.
Address: 2400 Dunaújváros, Verebély László u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (25) 501-830
Fax: +36 (25) 501-831

electrical network building, fitting, wiring up of electrical installations
GPS: 46.9608809 / 18.9115161

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Kovill Villamoshálózat Tervező és Szerelő Kft.
Address: 1139 Budapest,
Telephone: +36 (1) 239-0293
Fax: +36 (1) 239-0295
Mobile: +36 (30) 316-6555

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.5321758 / 19.0736657

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Lászlóvill Kft.
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Adonyi u. 50.
Telephone: +36 (22) 324-991
Fax: +36 (22) 500-830
Homepage: www.wb.hu/laszlovill

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.189389 / 18.452869

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Minkóvill Kft.
Address: 3527 Miskolc, József Attila út 57.
Telephone: +36 (46) 413-039
Fax: +36 (46) 505-037
Homepage: www.minkovill.hu

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 48.1065742 / 20.8144931

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Address: 9028 Győr, Fehérvári út 75.
Telephone: +36 (96) 416-753
Fax: +36 (96) 517-829

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.6753211 / 17.6710836

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Elektro VT. Bt.
Address: 1037 Budapest, Kunigunda útja 70/A
Telephone: +36 (1) 437-6896
Fax: +36 (1) 437-6896
Homepage: www.elektrovt.hu

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.5607456 / 19.035213

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Kálmán László
Address: 1141 Budapest, Németpróna u. 31.
Telephone: +36 (1) 252-1012
Fax: +36 (1) 409-0899
Mobile: +36 (20) 943-9191

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.526045 / 19.124002

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Mágneses Erővonal Kft.
Address: 2625 Kóspallag, Kisinóci u. 5.
Telephone: +36 (27) 385-547
Fax: +36 (27) 385-547
Mobile: +36 (20) 921-2395
Homepage: www.magneses.hu

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.8826764 / 18.9317767

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Kobold Kft.
Address: 2600 Vác, Köztársaság út 65.
Telephone: +36 (27) 302-742
Fax: +36 (27) 302-742
Mobile: +36 (30) 928-4365

electrical network building, fitting
GPS: 47.7834479 / 19.1224103
Bővebb információ: Certificate of incorporation

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