2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


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Rail planning Railway Flower decoration Flower decoration Heating system design Professional event organizing Conferences Organization of press conferences Snack events PCB design Exhibition equipment Design consultancy Interior decoration Garden Design Logo Design Exhibition Design Computer garden design Computer roof design Computer Design Stage children design their own clothes uniquely designed baby clothes Decorative lighting furniture design Design packaging lines Decorative coating Historic buildings tartószerkezetének Design Design events Plastic card design Exhibition preparation Custom-designed wooden houses Fine Art Glass Design system complex building design art design Organization of press conference Program fell by the organization Balls Betting Dog events exhibition design exhibition Robotic systems design Studio, design, construction TV Studio design, construction TV Studio Design Intelligent design houses HVAC systems design, construction Car decoration 3D Decorations Lighting decoration Facade decoration Wall Decoration Access control systems design Network planning rental equipment for events Furniture hire for events receptions settlement organization of gala dinners exhibitions organizing garden parties weddings full management Weddings organization Organization of corporate presentations corporate management presentations visualization events events decorative design pyrotechnics events Poster design Brochure design Commercials design Commercial Design complex architectural design building design historical reconstruction planning Gardening advice transmission planning Track planning siding Pályatervezési underground railways Pályatervezési Transportation Systems Planning transportation systems planning private roads design gyalogosút Design bicycle design Birthday Decorations Balloon Decorations Industrial floor design Compressor Design Spatial planning designs shop Architectural Glass Design 3D design High voltage switchgear and transformer design Event Tent sound events Weddings settlement energy planning Decoration works Corporate identity and logo design Boiler system design Flyer design Advertising planning board Corporate events organization Company events Press conferences conducted Cultural Banquet Organization of cultural events Exhibition organizers Event Venue Exhibition Venue Glass Decorations Custom-designed pens Database management systems design Water treatment plant's design MODELS Planning Stephanie Castle Stephanie's Palace Theater Stephanie Restaurant Stephanie Tours Travel Agency Children's Programs Senior citizens programs Formwork design Design and construction dust filter deposits DPM reader systems design Weak design of complex information systems Decorative cup Christmas Decorations Video systems design and installation Video system design and installation Medium voltage power distribution networks planning High voltage electrical equipment design Low voltage electrical equipment design Solar design, construction Solar collectors design, construction Internal decoration techniques Chromodynamics planning Color harmony design Residential architectural design Energy-efficient housing design Architectural design of flats Extra bowls events Glass ornament design Machine Exhibition Stands Design Home decorations Indoor flower Family events Party Decorations Geodesic design a fully-fledged Environmental Events Environmental professional events Computer systems design and development Post Tube Design Room acoustics design Audio-visual systems design, construction Buildings, structures for the static design and design review Environmental planning and design control Custom-designed acrylic sheets Jewelry design Decorative stickers Jacobin room Elizabeth Hall Congress Hall Investment Planning Environmental planning Kitchen Laser design, construction, integration Design of fire protection equipment Elevator design Project Planning Making Decorations Decorations Passive house design Design and manufacture of plastic injection molds Advanced machine design Machine design, manufacturing Elevator Design Wedding Events Privacy planning, preparation, Decorative Paints Weddings, events, transportation of persons conducting Theater hall meetings, XVII.kerület Chocolate Decorations Communication system planning Complex design of office buildings Commercial and residential building design Lighting Design Design and design


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Address: 1029 Budapest, Rézsű u. 113/B
Telephone: +36 (1) 350-9879
Fax: +36 (1) 320-1465
Mobile: +36 (30) 931-5284
Homepage: www.konnexio.hu

, Betting, Conference Organization, Conferences, corporate management presentations, Decorative Design, Decorative lighting, Event, Event management, events decorative design, Exhibitions management, Furniture hire for events, Furniture rental, Gardenparty, Kordon, Organization of corporate presentations, organization of gala dinners, organization of presentations, Organization of press conference, organizing garden parties, party and reception organisation, hosting, party services, party tents, Program fell by the organization, pyrotechnics events, RECEPTIONS, receptions settlement, rental equipment for events, visualization events, Weddings organization
GPS: 47.5527241 / 18.9409483
Bővebb információ: Certificate of incorporation
Leírás: Cégünk megalakulásakor célul tűztük ki, hogy ne csak kivitelezői, hanem "alkotói" is legyünk a rendezvényeknek. Ehhez teremtettük meg a szellemi és tárgyi feltételeket. A megrendelők image-éhez, marketing és PR koncepciójához illő üzleti rendezvények vagy egyedi hangulatot, látványt és élményt adó alkalmi rendezvények valósulnak meg nap mint nap elképzeléseink szerint. Rendezvények az ötlettől a megvalósításig

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Address: 4029 Debrecen, Pacsirta u. 53.
Telephone: +36 (52) 536-195
Mobile: +36 (70) 618-3264

, Car decoration, dcorations, Debrecen Photos, Decoration works, Decorative Design, events decorative design, Interior decoration, Lighting decoration, Sign, making
GPS: 47.5316253 / 21.6381887

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Address: 1161 Budapest, Sándor u. 81.
Telephone: +36 (1) 405-3757
Fax: +36 (1) 405-3757
Mobile: +36 (30) 949-7303
Homepage: www.timegate.hu

, 3D design, Building mobile színpadtető, Decorative lighting, Event Tent, events decorative design, lelátórendszer Construction, Marquees rental events, mobile színpadfedés, party and reception organisation, hosting, programme management, logistical solutios, rental equipment for events, Tents for events, visualization events
GPS: 47.5248792 / 19.16662670000005
Leírás: A Timegate Kft.rendezvények technikai kiszolgálására alakított vállalkozás.Feladataink megoldásában nagy segítség a Petőfi Csarnokban műszaki vezetőként 12 év alatt szerzett tapasztalat. Tevékenységi körünkbe tartozik a hang-,világítás-, és színpadtechnika,mobil színpadfedés építése,de vállalkozunk lelátórendszer építésére ,valamint a rendezvényeket kiszolgáló elektromos hálózatok telepítésére is. Tudásunk szerint igyekszünk megrendelőink extrém kéréseit is teljesíteni.Társaságunk, illetve jogelodje a Technomobil Kft.1991 óta foglalkozik művelodési intézmények komplett üzemeltetésével, illetve rendezvények komplett technikai lebonyolításával. Cégünk évente átlagosan 200 rendezvény lebonyolításában működik közre. Ezen idoszak alatt egyetlen rendezvény sem sérült technikai okok miatt, közreműködésünk helyszínei

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E & P Kft.
Address: 1147 Budapest, Telepes u. 66.
Telephone: +36 (1) 382-0180
Telephone: +36 (1) 343-3816
Fax: +36 (1) 203-0778
Fax: +36 (1) 343-33816
Homepage: www.eandp.t-online.hu

, Banquet, Borrow pots, Candelabra rental, Catering equipment hire, Cutlery Hire, Design events, Events, events decorative design, Furniture hire for events, Furniture Rental, Glassware Hire, Outdoor gas heaters Hire, party and reception organisation, hosting, Plates Hire, Porcelain Hire, rental equipment for events, Sideboards Hire, Textile Rental, Trays Hire
GPS: 47.5261868 / 19.1166052
Leírás: Kölcsönző az abrosztól a villáig. Vállaljuk rendezvények lebonyolítását, teremdíszítést, terítést. Cégünk telephelyén150m2-en várja kedves ügyfeleit.

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