2025.02.19 Wednesday Zsuzsanna


Steel industry poultry industry Organic Bakery Products Bio-grain products leather industry furniture manufacturing industry shoe indutry, shoe accessories Packaging sugar industry tobacco industry confectionery industry, confectionery products food industry Food machine food industry machinery Food processing equipment manufacturing Food refrigeration building material suppliers construction industry infrastructural investments building contractors, services construction machinery building contractors, services construction design and management industrial woodworker, construction industry timber industry timber industry machinery metal mass consumables industry paint/dye industry precision industrial ceramics spinning/plaiting industry chip- and plywood production heating services, domestic and industrial milling industry garages and garage fittings gas production industry, gas products, gas supply Geodetic and construction equipment engineering industry, mechanical engineering rubber industry pharmaceutical industry Pharmaceutical packaging materials Pharmaceutical Machinery meat industry meat industry machinery cooling industry industial goods industrial mechanisation industrial construction Industrial paint Industrial paint, industrial paints Industry risks industrial firms industrial parks industrial cleaning technology Intellectual property applied arts motor industry trade unions applied arts cottage industry ready-made-clothes trade knitting industry public area and car park management milling industry Frozen bakery products Plastics, plastics machinery technical items, goods engineering industry printing industry printers' materials Printing material Printing Products plant oil industry oil industry Park & Ride paper industry Parking Strategy parking meters Parking garage car parks landscaping (fashion) clothing industry baking- and confectionery machinery, appliances bakery industry Bakery equipment technical services leisure complexes, entertainment industry fur industry weaving trade beer industry, breweries food processing industry dairy industry the textile industry steel- and metal industry miscallenous goods chemical industry chemical industry apparatus catering industry catering appliances amusement parks electrical goods, appliances Industrial Property advice Food processors Glass designer designer Industrial flooring Printing services Examination of oil products Analytical studies of petroleum industry products instrument propulsion parkolósorompóhoz drive for industrial use Industrial gases parkolóradarok parking radar Inn car park closed Tinware products and essay Use chemical pump industrial grain powder Industry silvering Used construction equipment Food additives Construction activity Food thermometers Pharmaceutical thermometers Food industry equipment Commercial Real Estate IT Industry Mechanized vehicle parking Industrial pumps acid proof industrial floors Mechanical Engineering szimering industrial halls Wood works Building and automotive products Industrial Chargers Industrial Plastic Working Industrial Lasers Industrial Paint Szeged Industrial coatings Szeged commercial real estate leasing Tinware Steeplejack distribution of industrial seals Industrial Generators Industrial cleaning Food industry cleaning industrial olajszivattyúk Industrial soda machine placement siding Pályatervezési Industry microswitches Industrial floor design Industrial refrigeration Catering Construction Lasers Catering equipment hire industrial wastewater Construction machinery leasing Professional work gyorskapuk food plants gyorskapuk special chemical environment environment of rapid industrial doors Industrial products Guarded parking restaurant Multiparking Precision turning buttons Parking advice Parking Mechanized parking Industrial flooring Industrial sockets Industrial switches Industrial Waste Receiving Klaus parking Industrial PVC curtains Industrial PVC curtains Industrial PVC curtains Industrial PVC curtains Industrial thermal insulation curtain Thermal insulation of industrial curtains PVC Industrial Strip PVC industrial strip Pharmaceutical Training Industrial dust separation Parking guarding Industrial couplings Industrial Brakes Industrial liquid Industrial filter Light industrial space bar Parking barrier Industrial sealing Industrial insulation Industrial floor Residential architectural design Industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturing Plastic machinery cooling Catering School Foundation School Catering Tourism professional training Industrial plastic recycling Food hose Industrial hose Industrial mixing Confectionery Residential cleaning Industrial Vacuum Cleaners Industrial sewing machine needles Food industry workwear Development and commercial real estate Industrial Plastics Industrial scales Textile stamping foils Textile stamping foils Locksmith Industrial fans Closed parking Bakery products Wholesale Bakery Products Chemical equipment Woodworking machines to improve Woodworking Machinery Trade Woodworking machines for sale Used woodworking machinery Woodworking machinery repair service Woodworking Machinery Renewal Material Industry Construction Tools Construction Equipment Construction machines Industrial glasses Industrial property services and advice Food technical school Construction machinery leasing and rental Household chemical jars Automotive Castings Industry alpine jobs Industrial Facilities Maintenance Planers and saw industrial adjustment and sharpening Three-phase industrial motors Industrial ethernet switch Tradables Shop Leica Construction Lasers Admixtures industrial flooring Construction of industrial floor Repair industry and construction Industrial piping Poured industrial floor coatings Industrial facilities Earthworks Industrial plants, factories security fence construction Industrial and domestic sewing machines Industrial Sewing Machine Shoe Machine darner Industrial halls, air-conditioning Skilled mechanic gypsum Industrial bonding Construction machinery trade Construction bérgépek TEREX-FUCHS Industrial boom lifts Industrial boilers to improve Industrial fan, container Preparation of resin flooring industry Industrial oils Industrial Estates Building of roads, squares, parks construction Private Parking Lacquer furniture industry Industrial park Viacolorozás, outdoor enclosures, parking lot construction Beauty industry insurance Cognex DVT machine vision Tente wheels and industrial rollers Industrial yarn Industrial gate Injection molding for the automotive industry Materials for the furniture industry Fittings for furniture Construction Racks Parking systems Construction Quality Control Construction inspection Industrial rope access technical protection devices Industrial Hoses Industrial Water Treatment Parking Technical Systems Construction Transport Industrial Property Litigation Valet Parking Industrial adhesives Acid-resistant industrial floors Glass Industry Raw materials for glass industry Glass thermocouple accessories

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Pécsi Ipari Park Gazdaságfejlesztő Rt.
Address: 7630 Pécs, Finn u. 1/1.
Telephone: +36 (72) 526-100
Fax: +36 (72) 526-108
Homepage: www.papa.hu

industrial parks

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Polgári Ipari Park - Polgárinvest Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft.
Address: 1115 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 105113..
Telephone: +36 (1) 481-4500
Fax: +36 (1) 481-4531
Homepage: www.pip.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 47.474893 / 19.038963

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Ráckevei Ipari Park
Address: 2300 Ráckeve, Szent István tér. 4.
Telephone: +36 (24) 519-125
Fax: +36 (24) 519-126
Homepage: www.rackeveiiparipark.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 47.158793 / 18.944905

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Rédics Ipari Park
Address: 8978 Rédics, Vasút út 10.
Telephone: +36 (92) 553-060
Fax: +36 (92) 352-234

industrial parks
GPS: 46.617842 / 16.478549

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Rétsági Ipari Park-Rétsági Ipari Park Kft.
Address: 2651 Rétság, Pf.: 23.
Telephone: +36 (35) 550-094
Fax: +36 (35) 550-095

industrial parks
GPS: 47.92786 / 19.137276

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Rozália Ipari Park - Grontal Kft. Biatorbágy
Address: 1126 Budapest, Tóth Lőrinc u. 31.
Telephone: +36 (1) 214-6636
Fax: +36 (1) 214-6639

industrial parks
GPS: 47.4971056 / 19.0163671

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Sajóbábony Vegyipari Park-Sajóbábonyi Vegyipari Park Kft.
Address: 3792 Sajóbábony, Gyártelep
Telephone: +36 (46) 459-020
Fax: +36 (46) 449-729

industrial parks
GPS: 48.1670537 / 20.7280314

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Salgótarjáni Ipari Park
Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Munkásotthon tér 1.
Telephone: +36 (32) 521-340

industrial parks

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Sarkadi Ipari Park-Olympia Trade Hungary Kft.
Address: 5720 Sarkad, Szalontai u. 9.
Telephone: +36 (66) 375-581
Homepage: www.svagyon.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 46.7464019 / 21.3867264

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Sárréti Ipari Park-Layer Kereskedelmi, Szolgáltató és Ipari Kft. Szeghalom
Address: 5520 Szeghalom, Kandó Kálmán u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (66) 371-911
Fax: +36 (66) 371-398

industrial parks
GPS: 47.027309 / 21.166263

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Sárvári Ipari Park - Flextronics International Kft.
Address: 9600 Sárvár, Ikervári út 42.
Telephone: +36 (95) 533-000
Fax: +36 (95) 533-020
Homepage: www.layer.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 47.2521148 / 16.9112243

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Sátoraljaújhely Ipari Park
Address: 3980 Sátoraljaújhely, Rákóczi út 18.
Telephone: +36 (47) 523-080
Fax: +36 (47) 523-080
Homepage: www.flextronics.com

industrial parks
GPS: 48.399498 / 21.660232

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Sellyei Ipari Park
Address: 7960 Sellye, Dózsa Gy. u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (73) 580-900
Fax: +36 (73) 580-900

industrial parks

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Serena Ipari Park - S. I. P. Serena Kft. Siklós
Address: 7800 Siklós, Ipartelepi u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (72) 579-441
Fax: +36 (72) 495-740

industrial parks
GPS: 45.86005 / 18.305527

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Simontornya Ipari Park
Address: 7081 Simontornya, Szent István Kir. út. 1.
Telephone: +36 (74) 586-929
Fax: +36 (74) 486-212

industrial parks
GPS: 46.7573647 / 18.5430392

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Siófoki Ipari Park
Address: 8600 Siófok, BajcsyZs. u. 207.
Telephone: +36 (84) 505-120
Fax: +36 (84) 505-155

industrial parks

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Sóstó Ipari Park
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Ányos P. u. 3.
Telephone: +36 (22) 382-022
Fax: +36 (22) 382-749
Homepage: www.iparipark.sopron.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 47.1907325 / 18.437667

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Szarvasi Ipari Park-Szarvas Mthermal Kft.
Address: 5540 Szarvas, Szabadság u. 2527.
Telephone: +36 (66) 311-122
Fax: +36 (66) 311-704

industrial parks
GPS: 46.862972 / 20.546194

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Szászbereki Integrált Környezetvédelmi Ipari Park
Address: 5053 Szászberek, Béke u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (56) 425-002
Fax: +36 (56) 429-766
Homepage: www.szarvas.hu/iparipark

industrial parks
GPS: 47.314639 / 20.102265

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Szeko Ipari Park-Szeko 2001 Rt.
Address: 6724 Szeged, Pulcz u. 46.
Telephone: +36 (62) 467-790

industrial parks
GPS: 46.2638723 / 20.127815

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Szekszárdi Ipari Park
Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Béla tér 8.
Telephone: +36 (74) 312-333
Fax: +36 (74) 511-009

industrial parks
GPS: 46.349556 / 18.698281

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Szentes Ipari Park
Address: 6000 Szentes, Kossuth tér 6.
Telephone: +36 (63) 510-300
Fax: +36 (63) 510-341

industrial parks
GPS: 46.7098454 / 20.1529009

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Szentgotthárd Heiligenkreuz Ipari Park
Address: 9970 Szentgotthárd, Széll Kálmán tér 11.
Telephone: +36 (94) 554-420
Fax: +36 (94) 554-427
Homepage: www.szentes.hu

estate agencies, -developers, industrial parks
GPS: 46.954366 / 16.273588

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Szerencsi Ipari Park Építő és Szolgáltató Kft.
Address: 3900 Szerencs, Veres P. u. 24.
Telephone: +36 (47) 362-431
Homepage: www.ip.szentgotthard.hu

industrial parks
GPS: 48.1730097 / 21.2085104

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Szigetszentmiklósleshegy Innovációs Központ és Ipari Park
Address: 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Kossuth L. u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (24) 442-205

industrial parks
GPS: 47.3484894 / 19.0447983

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