2025.04.01 Tuesday Hugó


steel and steel products Steel products aluminium and aluminium (semi-manufactured) goods Baby care products tinsmiths and tin products Tinker product Organic Bakery Products Bio-grain products Organic organic products Skin care products Wine Products Confectionary producer Confectionery production confectionery industry, confectionery products Health products Disposable Products restaurants Frozen products tree felling precision industrial ceramics fitness, fitness products slimming products and services willow growing Curtains Curtains and decor curtain rails galleries gas production industry, gas products, gas supply plaster, plaster products medicines and therapeutic products, serums spas Hygiene products hygiene products and services slot machines ceramics products Frozen bakery products frozen goods artificial insemination flagship stores, premises plastics, plastic goods Printing Products plant propagation Graft nurseries stainless steel products, structures, technology personal computers, accessories, computing products safes and safe services coal, carbon products milk, dairy products Certification tools of production quarry stone Natural cosmetics naturopathy environmental protection thermostats Termovízió zinc plating, zinc plated goods Vichy products Kitchen Products Tinned products Growing herbs Growing Herbs Beauty Products Flameless Trevira CS products Textiles restaurants Organza curtains Organza curtains lead cord Ready curtains medicinal products Thermal Cave Bath Cosmetics Examination of oil products Analytical studies of petroleum industry products instrument closed circuit video products XADO products Geothermal Cooling vulcanized rubber Cuts of poultry products Individual packaging of poultry products Boneless poultry product Packaged poultry products Wrapped in poultry products Facial products Hypoallergenic products Forged Products Cosmetic products Cosmetic product distribution Debrecen Termal Tinware products and essay intimate products Termatikus radiator Nature Conservation Service Frozen poultry products quick-frozen products Breaded Products gluten-free products types of crop valuations electronic production production management system Cleaning strip strip to improve the strip maintenance strip to improve the guarantee thermo curtains termofüggönyök Building and automotive products instant products in vending machines Print product Of office products kitchen products gastronomic products tinned products Erd tinned products Product vending machines Auto-chemical products Party product Mine transportation product legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products Product Testing Funeral Products nursery products collected from the sale of forest products Forest products hozzácsomagolás nyomdatermékekhez GOODS hozzácsomagolása SENATOR products Rosewood-acting products Promotional Products Scriven products Hauff-Products toilet hygiene products factory hygiene products Bentley products education Thermo oil boiler Electric power generation Strip Thermal insulation strip PVC insulating curtains Industrial PVC curtains Industrial PVC curtains Thermal insulation PVC curtains Thermal insulation of industrial curtains PVC strip PVC industrial strip PVC curtains Superbaba products Restaurant napkins Grit Products Stella Pack Products Arix products Photoluminescent products EverGlow products Slim product New fat burning product Ultrasound Products Fri products Food and Drink thermos Truck terminals Intermec CN Series Wilton Products Easter Products Valentine's Day Products Plastic kitchen products Plastic bathroom products Thermos Cold Products Marantec Products Service Natural Dunakeszi Natural Order Dunakeszi Hoppecke products Restaurant Pasta Cold preparation of products Grape rootstock scions growing Rootstock scions growing Confectionery Thermal swimming pool Natural Catering Sera Products Horticultural products Agricultural products Party Products Rubber products Thermal water Bakery products Wholesale Bakery Products Mercury Design products Product tags Night is open to the thermal Disposable, single-use products Disposable products Catering Products Safe rooms Banking, investment product sales training Auto ID products CeBIT products Hotels, restaurants, furniture Cheap fiberglass products Used fiberglass products Product testing and certification Custom-made products CE marked ADR treatment of the product Stainless steel restaurant equipment TEREX-TERMEC backhoe loaders Waldorf Products Environmental product PCD Products Control Products PCS Products SOPRON products Mapei Products Mirela PE family MORFICO family ACER products Print products Classroom chairs Classroom furniture Products used in operating room Artificial insemination Agricultural service Computer rooms air-conditioning BOHEMIA exclusive distributor of products and FREEMAN Thermo oil Translation of product catalogs Asphalting rooms Sanosil products Sanosil organic Plastic products Unique handcrafted items Photography studio Products for buildings Nursing products Thermal bath Thermal baths Safety light curtains Kemikál products Theater hall meetings, XVII.kerület Diabetic Products Overhead chocolate products Dynasol products Thermoplastic elaszttomerek Disposable plastic products Silicone thermal curtains Silicone products Silicone foam products Restaurant, Hotel linen washing Termoplán glass Technical Glass Products Glass Product

Horn Magyarország

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Address: 1016 Budapest, Róka u. 5.
Telephone: +36 (1) 290-4351
Fax: +36 (1) 333-2165
Mobile: +36 (70) 941-8940
Mobile: +36 (30) 931-0953
Homepage: www.fortunalamella.hu

, Aluminum shutters, Aluminum venetian blind, Automated awning, Awnings, Awnings making, Blinds, blinds, parasols, Cleaning strip, colored venetian blind, External blinds, fényzáró shade, film heat, heat-insulating window, Improving screening, Internal shading, light shade, Mosquito net, Motorized awnings, Motorized blinds, motorized shade, Outdoor blinds, patterned shade, Plastic roller, Plastic shutter, plastic shutters, propulsion napellenzőkhöz, Raff blind, reflection shade, roller blinds, vertical blinds, parasols, Rolo, Safety films, screen cleaning, Security window, Shutter, strip maintenance, strip to improve the, strip to improve the guarantee, termofüggönyök, thermo curtains, toning technology, Venetian, Wooden venetian blind
GPS: 47.4945819 / 19.0301489
Leírás: Társaságunk német-magyar vegyes vállalatként alakult. Német partnerünk sokéves Nyugat-európai tapasztalatával karöltve, 23 éve bevált környezetkímélő technológiát használva szakosodtunk a szalagfüggönyök tisztítására, mely egyben a fő profilunk is. Az általunk használt anyagok és technológiák az EU-s szabványoknak megfelelnek. A szalagfüggönyök tisztítása során igény merült fel a függönyök és egyéb árnyékoló berendezések pótlására, javítására és készítésére. Foglalkozunk redőnyök, reluxák, zsalúziák, roletták, szalagfüggönyök, napellenzők, szúnyoghálók, hővédő-, és biztonsági fóliák, termo függönyök és hagyományos textilfüggönyök készítésével is. Ezekre a helyszíni felmérés során konkrét árajánlatot adunk. Széles szín- és anyagválasztékkal rendelkezünk. Gyártmányaink kiváló német és olasz alapanyagok felhasználásával készülnek. Vállaljuk az évenkénti karbantartást, javítást is. Termékeinkre hosszú távú garanciát vállalunk. Takarító vállalatokkal is kapcsolatban állunk, alvállakozóként is dolgozunk. A Magyar Tisztítástechnológiai Szövetség a MATISZ, az ÉVOSZ Magyar Árnyékolás- technikai tagozata, a MATT és a MARTE alapító tagjai vagyunk.
Szalagfüggöny tisztítás reklám Áron:400.-Ft+áfa/m2.
Új szolgáltatás: Napellenző tisztítás!!!

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