2024.09.28 Saturday Vencel


flood protection Asphalt testing Safety tests Hot water boiler ships, nautical vehicles Drinking water purification cable tv transport transport firms air traffic satellite television radio, television, vcr repair sewage disposal Wastewater Treatment soda water Soil and groundwater purification television- and radio manufacture, distribution television channels, programmes television technology Termovízió rail travel projectors, projector technology plumbing and heating engineering water feeders waterbeds drainage waterworks water management water industry appliances water supply network servicing, maintenance water transport shipping water sports water management boilers Water metering hydrometric technology Water meter Water meter shafts Water meter calibration Water meter repairs Water meters waterworks exam centres testing jet cutting plumbing waterproofing Waterproofing materials water supplies Water filtration Water filter Filters water purification Septic water towers water loss Technical examination plumbing disinfection boiler repair plumbing installation Service driver scooter repair turbo repair Minolta official service Minolta technician Examination of oil products petroleum physical examination petroleum chemical testing Analytical studies of petroleum Analytical studies of petroleum industry products instrument pump repair welding machines Touch protection investigation Lightning protection testing Firm aptitude test Water insulation against GRACE waterproofing Criminal investigation equipment Hydraulic engineering works sewage pumps LUXOS colored lights dancing on water Water plate Spillages Examination of caravans Testing accommodations Plumbing budapest drainage systems sheets for waterproofing Green water insulation épületdiagnosztikai tests Balaton waterfront Domestic water supply equipment watering pumps water-jet massage water-jet massage Vision test water pump bearings WOD waterproof paper Professional decorators test waterjet cut plate Metal water jet cutter Water leakage detection Metallic paint, water-diluted Transport path műszerjavító service PSU mark service mineral water packaging mineral water filling mineral water Technical test car Technical test engine Technical test trailer Technical test trailer Eliminating water leakage Wheelchair support TV service in Budapest clinical trials television broadcasting feasibility study Transportation Systems Planning Coffee service coffee service Peugeot Workshop Peugeot service Heavy-Water diesel powered water pump pump house wastewater treatment technology industrial wastewater water treatment technologies transposing rainwater pumps submersible sewage Piranha sewage AS sewage AFP sewage downpipe Super Faserfix drainage rivers drainage folyókarendszerek point vízlevezetés cleaning contaminated water sports ground drainage test equipment motor test Examination Facilities building inspections examination of escalators fast gate service transport professions textbooks Water-gas-heating Water csatornaszerelés hydrogeochemical Hydrogeochemical boiler system review hydrogeochemical reconstruction boiler-house water treatment Water Treatment water-cooled TIG welding guns water-cooled welding guns Waterproof flooring FOREST water table Watertight roof Tork Inspection cloth Hot water boiler Lambda probe test Injectors test Eberspächer mark service Sludge Treatment Disposal of sewage sludge Sewage sludge disposal Sewage sludge into compost Water treatment plant's design Water utility services Sewage treatment plant construction Drinking water purification Instrument service Volvo Service KIENZIE tachograph service Truck service Debrecen Wastewater Cleaning high pressure water jet Waterbath food warm Tribological tests Electrical appliance testing instruments VCR service Camcorders service Water Library Environment and Water Library Balance of service Balance of service Gyöngyös Monitorszervíz Waterproof boots Bystronic water jet cutting systems Potable water purification Bicycle Erd Bike service Erd Rdi bike service Rdi bike service Cold-water meters Large cross-gauges Flat water meters Piston ring gauges Combined water meters PRIMOM apartment water meters AQUARIUS apartment water meters Water meters to improve Renovation of water meters Domestic sewage treatment plant Without breakdown Waterproofing Dairy Waterproofing Balcony Waterproofing Aromatic hydrocarbon analysis Motor gasoline analytical instrument testing Cooling water hose Industrial hose Waterproof field Transport department lawyer Water mechanic Balatonlelle Plumbing Balatonlelle Transport Accident Plumbing Ejector Water pump warranty repair Water meter installation Medical diagnostic testing Ministry of Environment and Water Transport, Communications and Energy Ministry Water Circulation Thermal water Underwater Welding Hotels in Hévíz Terraces covering roofs before Pumping stations Water recovery equipment Mobile high-pressure water mist extinguishing system Drinking water supply Sanitation KONICA MINOLTA official service center KONICA MINOLTA service center Examination of pressure vessels Vibration test Electric motor testing Legrand NEPTEO watertight fittings Legrand watertight fittings Mineral Water Home Delivery Mineral Water Dispenser Water testing Wastewater testing Ground analytics Motor vehicle inspection and certification Safety tests Climatic testing Pyrotechnics testing, inspection, certification SHARP Dealership SHARP service center Watercraft parts Homemade water industry Closed circuit television monitoring Water supply ETNA thermo fireplace Thermal camera test Laptop Service Employee satisfaction studies OPEL car services Turcsán auto service Technical exam preparation Sports fitness tests Cataract examination Glaucoma testing Ocular complications of diabetes testing Endothelial investigators Visual acuity assessment tools Visual acuity test unit Examination chairs Waterproofing mortars, floor Automatic water balloon Sewing Machine Service Water pullers Dust and water suction Sports test Water mist extinguishing systems RCD testing bicycle service, Ferenc krt. - Üllői corner Fire-fighting water supply Renovation of flat roof waterproofing Flat roof insulation and heat On-site installation service by car Television production department assistant Acer laptop service Acer service budapest Öntőgépszervíz Ltd. IDRA Service Waterproofing Extension meter design Vehicle testing up to 3.5 tonnes Licensed drinking water and food coatings Maintenance of fire-water pools Sewage Pumps Underwater extension kit Water Quality Meters Water level sensor probes Dewatering pump Underwater lights Water heating equipment Gömöri Service Igal salty water ACER Dealership Laboratory instrument repair Soil - Groundwater pollution Flat roof insulation, waterproofing Welding technology studies Construction inspection Lift periodic testing Welding testing 24-hour lock service CE test Contact lenses test Waterproof concrete Isola roofing sheets Platon drainage system Diagnostic lab tests Industrial Water Treatment Household water treatment Swimming pools, water treatment equipment Antifreeze and water hardness meter Hot water storage And commercial GPS service Static test Establishment of water well Radiesztéziai peer review Freshwater fish Solarium service Water Water damage prevention Contaminated water pump Clean Water Pump Veteran Car Service Field of vision test Water distillation Hookah Tractor Service

AROBS Pannonia Software Kft

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 8313 Balatongyörök, Kikötő.
Telephone: +36 (83) 346-008

water transport

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 2500 Esztergom, Nagy Duna sétány
Telephone: +36 (33) 413-531

water transport
GPS: 47.790862 / 18.731957

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 2900 Komárom, Rákóczi rkp.
Telephone: +36 (34) 342-353

water transport
GPS: 47.736026 / 18.116241

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 2900 Komárom, Rákóczi rkp. 1.
Telephone: +36 (34) 342-231

carriage, water transport

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 7700 Mohács, Szent János u.
Telephone: +36 (69) 322-242

water transport
GPS: 45.992134 / 18.694101

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Mahart Magyar Hajózási Rt.
Address: 2025 Visegrád, Hajóállomás
Telephone: +36 (26) 398-296

water transport
GPS: 47.779773 / 18.98276

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Mahart Pass Nave
Address: 2000 Szentendre, Hajóállomás
Telephone: +36 (26) 312-690

water transport
GPS: 47.6726867 / 19.0419326

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Pannon Hajózási Kft.
Address: 9071 Gönyű, Kossuth Lajos u. 50.
Telephone: +36 (96) 544-247

water transport
GPS: 47.733037 / 17.837846
Bővebb információ: Certificate of incorporation

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Révállomás, Dunaújvárosi
Address: 2400 Dunaújváros, Révállomás
Telephone: +36 (25) 281-355

water transport
GPS: 46.980668 / 18.912707

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Révész Központ
Address: 6400 Kiskunhalas, Szilády u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (40) 860-001

water transport
GPS: 46.432137 / 19.477754

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Révőrség Körzeti Megbizott Iroda
Address: 6500 Baja, Türr I. emlékpark 1.
Telephone: +36 (79) 325-021

water transport

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Szlovák Dunahajózási Ügynökség
Address: 7700 Mohács, Szabadság u. 13.
Telephone: +36 (69) 322-532

water transport
GPS: 45.9913955 / 18.6912345

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Ukrán Dunahajózás
Address: 2400 Dunaújváros, Ruhagyári út 3.
Telephone: +36 (25) 412-732

water transport
GPS: 46.9767675 / 18.9439966

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Vanyolai Hajózási Vállalkozás
Address: 8230 Balatonfüred, Hajóállomás
Telephone: +36 (87) 482-382
Mobile: +36 (30) 946-0083
Homepage: www.vanyolai.hu

water transport
GPS: 46.956461 / 17.888963

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Révhajózási Kft.
Address: 7700 Mohács, Szent János u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (69) 311-129

water transport
GPS: 45.9924465 / 18.693917

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Albatrosz Kft.
Address: 2309 Lórév, Csarnojevity u. 141.
Telephone: +36 (24) 482-508

water transport

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Blue-Star Kft.
Address: 1137 Budapest, Radnóti M. u. 40.
Telephone: +36 (1) 412-1673

water transport
GPS: 47.5164818 / 19.0490961

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Cma-Cgm Hajóstársaság Magyarországi Képviselete
Address: 1139 Budapest, Váci út 81-85.
Telephone: +36 (1) 452-8555
Fax: +36 (1) 452-8560

water transport
GPS: 47.5360433 / 19.0684428

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Dunai Kikötő Kft.
Address: 1211 Budapest, Gyepsor u. 1.
Telephone: +36 (1) 425-1873

water transport
GPS: 47.428746 / 19.06535

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Dunayacht Ndldock Kft.
Address: 1173 Budapest, Ferihegyi út 47/A
Telephone: +36 (1) 268-9020
Fax: +36 (1) 268-9021
Homepage: www.dunayacht.com

water transport
GPS: 47.485721 / 19.258608

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Enrico Sperco & Sohn Kft.
Address: 1075 Budapest, Károly krt. 11.
Telephone: +36 (1) 269-7820
Fax: +36 (1) 269-7815

water transport
GPS: 47.496616 / 19.057318

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Euro-Tankhajó Bt.
Address: 1211 Budapest, Szikratávíró út 14.
Telephone: +36 (1) 216-2966

water transport
GPS: 47.446123 / 19.068867

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Hárosi Yacht Klub
Address: 1225 Budapest, Duna-part u. 2.
Telephone: +36 (1) 207-2914
Fax: +36 (1) 207-4490
Homepage: www.harosiyachtklub.hu

water transport
GPS: 47.415885 / 19.100488

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Hungaroship Hajótérközvetítői és Ügynöki Kft.
Address: 1114 Budapest, Villányi út 10.
Telephone: +36 (1) 209-1025
Fax: +36 (1) 209-1136

water transport
GPS: 47.478003 / 19.044549

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Inter Sports Marketing Kft.
Address: 1026 Budapest, Gábor Á. u. 62/B
Telephone: +36 (1) 398-0755
Fax: +36 (1) 394-4807
Homepage: www.mediterranyachting.hu

water transport
GPS: 47.519327 / 19.009011

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